Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
548 Index Index 549

Time period, 16
Tlaxcalan people (Mexico),
Cortés assisted by, 8, 8
(i), 9 (i)
Tobacco, in Jamestown, 31
Topic, 23
Totalitarianism, Reagan on,
Total war, Civil War as, 287–293
Townshend Duties, Dickinson
protest against, 92–93
Trade. See also Slave trade
French fur, 30
with Japan, 240
Royal African Company and,
Spanish, 7
in transatlantic world, 58
Trail of Tears, 219
Transatlantic world
development of, 58
European conquests in,
ideas in North America and,
Transcontinental railroad, 309 (i)
“Transcript of the Spanish Trial
in the Aftermath of a
Pueblo Revolt” (1598),
automobiles as, 385, 386 (i)
bicycles and, 385, 385 (i)
jet travel and, 476–477, 477 (i)
urban, 384, 384 (i)
“Trans World Airlines
Advertisement,” 476–477,
477 (i)
“Travels throughout the States of
North America” (Weld,
1797), 160
Treaties. See also specific treaties
American Indian Movement
and, 465–466
Jay’s Treaty, 106
“Kyoto Protocol on
Emissions” (United
Nations, 2008), 509–510
“Pinckney’s Treaty, Article
IV” (1795), 156
“Treaty of Alliance between
the United States and
France” (1778), 102
“Treaty of Greenville, Article
9” (1795), 155–156

“Treaty of Paris” (1783),
“Treaty of Utrecht” (1713), 66
Webster-Ashburton (1842),
223, 229–230
Trends, 52
Trent, William, “Diary of ”
(1763), 89–90
Truman, Harry S.
“On Atomic Technology”
(1945), 429–430
“On Greece and Turkey”
(1947), 432
“Truman Doctrine,” 432, 433
Turkey, Truman on, 432
Turner, Frederick Jackson,
“Closing of the Frontier,
The” (1893), 407–408
Turning points, 16, 52, 355, 356,
379–380, 411
Twain, Mark
anti-imperialism of, 409
on Gilded Age, 308
“20 Point Proposal” (American
Indian Movement, 1972),
Twenty Years at Hull House
(Addams, 1900), 335
“Two Opinions on the Missouri
Crisis” (1819), 216
“Two Treatises of Government”
(Locke, 1690), 118
“Two Women Reading
Advertisements” (1909),
366, 367 (i)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe, 1852),
178, 254–256
Unemployment, in Michigan,
Union (United States). See also
North (region)
Emancipation Proclamation
and, 276, 281–282
slavery, sectionalism, and,
Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR). See
Soviet Union
United Auto Workers, HUAC
targeting of, 442–444
United Farm Workers union
(UFW), 456
United Nations, 428

“Kyoto Protocol on Emissions”
(2008), 509–510
United States, “Treaty of Alliance
between the United States
and France” (1778), 102
United States Strike Commission,
“Report on the Chicago
Strike” (1894), 363–364
Urban environment, 335–339
consumer’s city and, 363–368
meatpacking industry in,
population increase and, 382
Progressives and, 370
transportation in, 384 (i)
“US Constitution, Article I,
Sections 2 and 9” (1787),
“US Constitution, Preamble”
(1787), 134
“US Diplomatic Cable to the
Spanish Ambassador”
(1898), 408–409
USSR. See Soviet Union
Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 66

Vachon, John, “Picket Line,
Chicago” (1941), 398,
399 (i)
Van Buren, Martin, 203, 203 (i),
225 (i)
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 316 (i)
Vietnam War
Johnson, Lyndon B., and, 459
movements inspired by, 448
House of Burgesses in, 91
Native American attack on,
34, 34 (i)
ratification of Constitution,
130–131, 131 (i)
slave laws in, 45–46
Smith and, 19–20
“Speech at the University of
Virginia” (Reagan, 1988),
“Virginia Resolves” (Henry,
1765), 91–92
“Virginia Slave Laws”
(1662-1669), 45–46
active, 207
organizing evidence around,
persona as, 470

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