Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
2 . J Tables 1, 2, and 3 all show that P increases when V increases. Choice (J) reflects this trend.

3 . C Look at Tables 1–3 to compare trials with different resistances and the same voltage. Take

trials 2, 7, and 12, for example, which all have the same voltage. Trial 12 has the highest

resistance, and Trial 2 has the lowest. Trial 12, however, has the lowest power, and Trial 2

has the highest. Therefore, as resistance increases, power decreases, and so (C) is the

correct answer.

4 . F Conductance (G) is defined in the passage as the inverse of resistance (R). The passage states

that Study 1 has the lowest resistance and therefore the greatest conductance. Since the

resistance differs between the three studies, eliminate (J). Choice (F) is correct because it is

the only answer choice in Study 1.

5 . C Since the different circuits had different power outputs at a given voltage, (D) is incorrect.

Compare three trials, one from each study, that have the same voltage. Trials 1, 6, and 11

show that the power output is lowest for a given voltage in Study 3.

6 . J Inspect each pair of trials to determine which has the same resistance, 3 times the value of V,

and 9 times the value of P. Eliminate (F) and (H) because the trials are in different studies,

so the value of R is not constant. Choice (G) is incorrect because the value of V in Trial 4 is

double that in Trial 2, and the value of P is 4 times greater. Choice (J) shows the correct


Passage V

1 . D During thermal expansion of the metal rod, the only variable that changes according to the

passage is the volume. Since density is defined as mass divided by volume, when the thermal

expansion causes an increase in volume, the density decreases.

2 . H The data in Table 3 shows that ΔV for 60°C is 7.7 mm^3 and ΔV for 80°C is 10.2 mm^3 . Since

70°C is between these two values, the corresponding value of ΔV should be between 7.7

mm^3 and 10.2 mm^3 , so the answer is (H).

3 . B The question states that thermal energy is proportional to the product of incubation time and

initial length. In each Study, incubation time is held constant. Use POE, and look for the Trial

with the greatest initial length, as in (B).

4 . F According to Table 1, the two variables are the length of the metal rod (L) and the change in

volume of the metal rod (ΔV). Notice that as L increases, ΔV increases. Choices (G) and (H)

display a relationship between β and ΔV, which is part of Study 2, not Study 1. Choice (J)
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