Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Muscle Origin* Insertion** Primary action
Posterior muscles
Erector spinae (e-REK-tor SPEE-nuh): Spinalis
Spinalis cervicis
(spi-NA-lis ser-VIS-us)

Spinous processes of
C7 (sometimes T1-2)

Spinous processes
of C2-C4

Spinal extension
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Spinalis thoracis
(spi-NA-lis tho-RA-sis)

Spinous processes

Spinous processes
of upper thoracic
vertebrae (T1-4 or T8)

Spinal extension
Spinal lateral flexion (same)

Erector spinae: Longissimus
Longissimus capitis
(lon-JIS-i-mus kah-PIT-us)

Transverse processes
of T1-4 or T5,
articular processes of
C4 or C5-7

Inferior, lateral skull
(mastoid process)

Extension of head
Lateral flexion of head and C spine (same)
Rotation of head (same)

Longissimus cervicis
(lon-JIS-i-mus ser-VIS-us)

Transverse processes
of T1-4 or T6

processes of C2-6

C spinal extension
C spinal lateral flexion (same)
C spinal rotation (same)
Longissimus thoracis
(lon-JIS-i-mus tho-RA-sis)

Lumbar spinous
thoracolumbar fascia

Transverse pro-
cesses of T1-L5,
posteromedial portion
of lower 10 ribs

Spinal extension
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Spinal rotation (same)

Erector spinae: Iliocostalis
Iliocostalis cervicis
(il-ee-o-kos-TA-lis ser-VIS-us)

3rd-6th rib angles Transverse
processes of C4-6

Spinal extension
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Spinal rotation (same)
Iliocostalis thoracis
(il-ee-o-kos-TA-lis tho-RA-sis)

Upper borders of
angles of lower 6 ribs

Angles of upper
6 ribs, transverse
process of C7

Spinal extension
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Spinal rotation (same)
Iliocostalis lumborum
(il-ee-o-kos-TA-lis lum-BOR-um)

Spinous processes
of T11-L5, posterior
sacrum, iliac crest

Inferior border of
angles of lower 6 or
7 ribs

Spinal extension
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Spinal rotation (same)

Slips of muscles spanning several vertebrae
from the transverse processes of C4-T10 to
the posterior skull or spinous processes of

Extension of head and C spine
Lateral flexion of head and C spine (same)
Rotation of head and C spine (opposite)

Deep posterior spinal group 1. Spinous process to spinous process

  1. Transverse process to transverse process

  2. Transverse process to laminae of
    vertebra above (rotatores)

  3. Generally transverse process to spinous
    processes above (multifidus)

Local spinal extension
Local spinal lateral flexion (same)
Local spinal rotation (opposite)

Lateral muscles
Quadratus lumborum
(kwod-RA-tus lum-BOR-um)

Posterior iliac crest,
iliolumbar ligament

12th rib, tips
of transverse
processes L1-4

Fixes or depresses lower rib
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Stabilizes spine and pelvis

*Inferior, lateral, or proximal attachment for anterior muscles; inferior attachment for posterior and lateral spinal muscles.
**Superior, medial, or distal attachment for anterior muscles; superior attachment for posterior and lateral spinal muscles.

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