Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


TABLE 3.7 Selected Stretches for the Spine

Exercise name

(Technique cues) Progression
Muscle group: Spinal extensors
Muscles emphasized: Lumbar extensors
Joint position: Lumbar spinal flexion
A. Double knee to chest Lie supine with the knees bent and
feet flat on the floor. Then use a
hand to gently pull one knee and
then the other knee toward the
chest until a stretch is felt in the
low back.
(Pull abdominal wall inward, and
focus on rounding the lumbar
Variation 1: Perform kneeling with
the torso resting on thighs and arms
overhead (figure 3.25C, p. 97).

  1. Bring knees further toward
    armpits to increase lumbar

Muscle groups: Spinal extensors and hip extensors
Muscles emphasized: Lumbar extensors and hamstrings (for less flexible dancers)
Joint position: Lumbar flexion with hip flexion and knee extension
B. Sitting forward bend Sit with both legs forward and feet
about 2 feet apart (knees may
be bent if hamstrings are tight).
While keeping pelvis posteriorly
tilted, bring head toward floor until
stretch is felt in low back.
(Emphasize keeping low back
rounded—i.e., flexing lumbar
spine—vs. flexing at hip joint.)
Variation 1: Perform sitting in chair
with feet on floor and forearms on

  1. Wrap hands around outside of
    lower legs, and use hands to
    pull rounded torso closer toward

Muscle group: Abdominals
Muscles emphasized: Rectus abdominis and oblique abdominals
Joint position: Spinal hyperextension
C. Prone press-up Lie prone, resting on forearms.
Then press down with the forearms
and sequentially arch spine from
head to sacrum.
(Keep neck in line with thoracic
spine, and “reach” spine out
and up using a pain-free range of
Variation 1: Perform on exercise
ball with hips supported by ball
and forearms pressing down on
ball (figure 3.47A, p. 148).

  1. Bring elbows toward each other
    until shoulder width apart.

  2. Bring elbows back toward waist,
    and carefully arch higher.

  3. Straighten elbows, press with
    hands, and carefully arch higher.

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