Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Muscle Proximal attachment(s) Distal attachment(s) Primary action(s)
Posterior muscles (continued)
Deep outward rotators

Anterior surface of
sacrum, posterior ilium

Superior surface of
greater trochanter of

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Obturator internus
(ob-tu-RA-tor in-TER-nus)

Internal surface of
obturator foramen and
obturator membrane,

Medial surface of greater
trochanter of femur

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Obturator externus
(ob-tu-RA-tor ek-STER-nus)

Rami of pubis and
ischium and external
surface of obturator

Adjacent to greater
trochanter on upper,
posterior femur

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Gemellus superior

Posterior, lower part of

With obturator internus
muscle to medial aspect
of greater trochanter of

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Gemellus inferior

Ischial tuberosity With obturator internus
muscle to medial aspect
of greater trochanter of

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Quadratus femoris
(kwod-RA-tus FEM-o-ris)

Lateral ischial tuberosity The crest between
the greater and lesser
trochanter on posterior

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Lateral muscles
Gluteus medius
(GLOO-tee-us ME-dee-us)

Outer surface of ilium Lateral surface of greater
trochanter of femur

Hip abduction
Hip internal rotation
Stabilization of pelvis on
Gluteus minimus
(GLOO-tee-us MI-ni-mus)

Lower outer surface of

Anterolateral aspect of
greater trochanter of

Hip abduction
Hip internal rotation
Stabilization of pelvis on
Tensor fasciae latae
(TEN-sor FA-she-eh LAT-te)

Anterior outer crest of
ilium, lateral aspect of
anterior superior iliac

Tibia via iliotibial band Hip abduction
Hip flexion
Hip internal rotation

Medial muscles
Adductor longus
(ah-DUK-tor LON-gus)

Anterior surface of pubis
at crest

Middle third of linea
aspera of femur

Hip adduction
Hip flexion (lower ranges)
Adductor brevis
(ah-DUK-tor BRE-vis)

Inferior ramus of pubis Superior portion of linea
aspera and distal portion
of line between lesser
trochanter and linea
aspera of femur

Hip adduction
Hip flexion (lower ranges)

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