For example, let’s determine the interval and quality of the following two pitches:
- Determine the interval number: is the interval an “even” numbered interval (line to space) or “odd”
numbered interval (line to line orspace to space)? - Determine the major key signature of the lower note: the lower note E has four sharps in its key signature:
F#C#G#D#. - The D sharp belongs to the E major scale, so E to D sharp is a M7. However, our second pitch is a D natural.
Because this is a half step lower, the interval is smaller. The answer is: m7.
Method 2: Determining a minor interval by counting half steps: 2, 3, 6, 7
- Memorize the number of half steps in the major interval. The minor interval is one half step smaller than
the major interval.
Note on line Note on line
1 7
Key: E major Major 7 Correct answer:minor 7
Key: F major M2 = 2 half steps m2 = 1 half step