Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Notes that are drawn below the third line of the staff stem upon the right. Notes above the third line stem down
on the left of the notes, regardless of the clef.

Exercise 4

Add stems to these note heads to change them to half notes. Write the letter name below each note. The first
one is done for you.

Fill in the note heads and add stems to these note heads to change them to quarter notes. Write the letter name
below each note.

Rhythmic Patterns with Beams

Stems with flags can be added only to note heads that are filled in: single eighth notes are drawn with a stem
and one flag ( ) and single sixteenth notes have a stem and two flags ( ). Several adjacent eighth or sixteenth
notes frequently are linked together with thick, straight lines called beams.Because beams replace flags, eighth
notes have one beam and sixteenth notes are drawn with two beams.




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