Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Exercise 3

Add the missing bar lines according to the time signatures given at the beginning of each rhythm. Write the
number of beats above each note.



Theory Trainer
Exercise 3bSimple rhythm tapping with two hands.
Begin by tapping each hand separately: right hand on key “j”, “k”, “l”, or “;” and left hand
on the key “a”, “s”, “d”, or “f”. Then tap two hands together.
Exercise 3c Listening to rhythms.
Reproduce rhythms you hear by clicking on the boxed rhythms (stamps). Can you complete
the exercise after hearing the exercise no more than three times?

Exercise 4—Class Exercise—Singing

In the following songs, the solfège syllables and numbers are given above each note. Write consecutive counts

  • First, count and clap the exercise.

  • Then sing with solfège, numbers, or letter names.

  1. Track 42



Numbers 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8
Solfège Do Re Mi Do Re Mi Fa Re Mi Fa Sol La So La Ti Do

Count: 1 2 3 1 ( 2 3 )

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