English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. The little boy looked so ____. I went over to comfort him and
    he looked at me ____. (sad)

  2. He acted ____. He's an ____ actor. (excellent)

  3. That girl is very ____. She often sneaks out of the house
    ____. (quiet)

  4. It's ____ cold today. The cold wind is ____. (awful)

VI. Learn More

Italian words in music (part 2)
A large number of the adverbs used in music (as directions of how to
perform a piece) are Italian in origin. Here are some of the most common
with the English equivalents for each:

Adagio /ə'dɑː(d)ʒɪəʊ/ (adv, adj, n)
slowly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed slowly

Allegretto /alɪ'grɛtəʊ/ (adv, adj, n)
fairly quickly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed with
a moderately fast tempo

Allegro /ə'lɛgrəʊ/ (adv, adj, n)
quickly; briskly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed
with a brisk or rapid tempo

Andante /an'danteɪ/ (adv, adj, n)
fairly slowly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed at a
moderately slow pace

Forte /'fɔːteɪ/ (adv, adj, n)
loudly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed loudly

Fortissimo /fɔː'tɪsɪməʊ/ (adv, adj, n)

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