English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

very loudly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed very

Largo /'lɑːgəʊ/ (adv, adj, n)
very slowly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed very

Mezzo /'mɛtsəʊ/ (adv)

Molto /'mɒltəʊ/ (adv)

Pianissimo /pɪə'nɪsɪməʊ/ (adv, adj, n)
very softly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed very

Piano /'pjɑːnəʊ/ (adv, adj, n)
softly; quietly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed

Vivace /vɪ'vɑːtʃeɪ/ (adv, adj, n)
lively; spiritedly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed in
a lively and brisk manner

Did you know?

 In 1978, Sweden’s most profitable export was the music band ABBA. Car
maker Volvo was number two.

 The British, the highest per capita spenders on music, buy 7.2 % of the
world music market.

“Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.”

  • Voltaire

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