English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Handy /"handi/ (adj)
convenient to use; useful; helpful

  • He's handy around the house.

Identical /VI"dEntIk(@)l/ (adj)
the same; equal; exactly alike

  • The boxes were identical in shape.

Knowledge /"nQlIdZ/ (n)
information; awareness; understanding

  • He has devoted himself to the pursuit of knowledge.

Offer /"Qf@/ (v)
present; give; provide; propose

  • Living in a large city offers a number of advantages.

  • I was offered a position at a bank, but I turned it down.

Particular /p@"tIkjUl@/ (adj)
special; specific

  • Pay particular attention to the poet's choice of words.

Perceive /p@"si:v/ (v)
recognise; become aware of; understand; regard

  • I perceived that it was going to be a nice day.

Powerful /"paU@fUl/ (adj)
having great power; having strong effect;

  • She has a powerful voice.

Primary /"prVIm(@)ri/ (adj)
main; chief; most important

  • The family is the primary social unit of human life.

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