English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Unit 7. Minor Scales

I. Word List

a. General Words

Accurate /"akjUr@t/ (adj)
correct; precise; exact

  • Her novel is historically accurate.

Adjust /@"dZVst/ (v)
alter; adapt; arrange

  • I adjusted the volume on the radio.

Already /O:l"rEdi/ (adv)
previously; before this time; by now

  • I'd already left by the time you called.

Compare /k@m"pE:/ (v)
measure the similarity or difference between;
match up to; put side by side

  • After doing the test, we compared the results.

Develop /dI"vEl@p/ (v)
build up; grow or cause to grow

  • The story was later developed into a novel.

Essential /I"sEnS(@)l/ (adj)
fundamental; basic; necessary

  • The essential problem with this plan is that it will cost too much.

  • Free speech is an essential right of citizenship.


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