English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Insight /"InsVIt/ (n)
understanding; awareness

  • Her book provides us with fresh new insights into this behaviour.

Intensity /In"tEnsIti/ (n)
the quality of being intense; extreme degree of a
quality or condition

  • The sun shone with great intensity.

Lead /li:d/ (n)
first place; the chief part in a play or film;
playing the main part in a musical group

  • He has played the lead role in a number of movies.

Optional /"QpS(@)n(@)l/ (adj)
elective; not obligatory; that may be chosen

  • Registration is optional, not mandatory.

Roughly /"rVfli/ (adv)
almost; approximately; about

  • The new product is modeled roughly on an earlier design.

Suspense /s@"spEns/ (n)
a state of uncertainty (and usually anxiety) about
an expected outcome; the condition of waiting

  • The suspense builds as the story progresses.

b. Technical Terms

Bridge /brIdZ/ (n)
a short transitional section in the middle of a
popular song, generally of a different character
from the other parts of the song

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