English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Precursor /prI"k@:s@/ (n)
a person or thing that comes before another of
the same kind; forerunner; ancestor; forebear

  • 18 th century lyric poets like Robert Burns were precursors of the

Principal /"prInsIp(@)l/ (adj)
main; major; most important

  • She is the principal cellist of the orchestra.

Resonate /"rEz(@)neIt/ (v)
resound; echo

  • The deep sounds of the bassoon resonated through the concert hall.

Stool /stu:l/ (n)
a seat without back or arms

  • She sat on a stool.

Strike /strVIk/ (v)
hit; beat

  • She struck the cymbals together.

b. Technical Terms

Arco /"A:k@U/ (n, adj, adv)
a bow for a stringed instrument; played on a
violin or other stringed instrument using the bow

Baroque /b@"r@Uk/ (n, adj)
relating to a style of European architecture,
music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries
characterised by ornate detail; highly ornate and
extravagant in style

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