English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Bow /b@U/ (n, v)
a partially curved rod with horsehair stretched
along its length, used for playing some stringed
instruments; play (a stringed instrument) using a

Crook /krUk/ (n)
a curved piece of tubing which can be fitted to a
wind instrument to change its pitch

Instrument /"InstrUm(@)nt/ (n)
a device for producing musical sounds by
vibration, wind, percussion, etc.

Orchestra /"O:kIstr@/ (n)
a group of instrumentalists, especially one
combining string, woodwind, brass, and
percussion sections

Pizzicato /pItsI"kA:t@U/ (n, adj, adv)
plucking the strings of a violin or other stringed
instrument with one's finger; a note or passage
played in this way

Plucked /plVkt/ (adj)
(of a stringed musical instrument) sounded with
one's finger or a plectrum; intended to be played
by plucking

Reed /ri:d/ (n)
a part of the mouthpiece of an oboe, bassoon,
clarinet, or saxophone, consisting of one or two
thin pieces of cane which vibrate to produce a
sound when the instrument is blown into; any
wind instrument with a reed

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