English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Tritone /'trʌɪtəʊn/ (n)
an interval of three whole tones; an augmented fourth, or its inversion, a
diminished fifth

Tune /tjuːn/ (n, v)
a melody, especially one which characterises a certain piece of music;
adjust (a musical instrument) to the correct or uniform pitch

Unison /'juːnɪs(ə)n/ (n, adj)
sameness in pitch of two or more sounds or notes; the relation of two notes
of the same pitch regarded as a musical interval; the sounding of notes or
melodies at the same pitch, or at pitches one or more octaves apart, by
different voices or instruments together



Upbeat /'ʌpbiːt/ (n)
an unaccented beat, especially that before the downbeat

Value /'valjuː/ (n)
the relative length or duration of a musical note

Valve /valv/ (n)
a device for extending the range of pitch of a brass instrument by
increasing or decreasing the effective length of the tube

Verse /vəːs/ (n)
a group of lines forming a unit in a poem or song; a sequence of lines
leading into the chorus or separating one chorus from another

Vivace /vɪ'vɑːtʃeɪ/ (adv, adj, n) [Ita]
lively; spiritedly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed in
a lively and brisk manner

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