Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Chapter 13 Middle and Low

Brown,  Howard  Mayer.  A   Florentine  Chansonnier from    the Time    of  Lorenzo the Magnificent:
Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Banco Rari 229. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1983.
Cumming, Julie E. The Motet in the Age of Du Fay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Finscher, Ludwig. Loyset Compère (c. 1450–1518): Life and Works. Rome: American Institute of
Musicology, 1964.
Harrán, Don. Word-Tone Relations in Musical Thought from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century.
Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology, 1986.
Krummel, Donald W., and Stanley Sadie, eds. Music Printing and Publishing. New York: Norton, 1990.
Pesce, Dolores, ed. Hearing the Motet: Essays on the Motet of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
London: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Polk, Keith. German Instrumental Music of the Late Middle Ages: Players, Patrons, and Performance
Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Woodfield, Ian. The Early History of the Viol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Chapter 14 Josquin and the Humanists

Elders, Willem, and Frits   De  Haen,   eds.    Proceedings of  the International   Josquin Symposium,  Utrecht
1986 . Amsterdam: Vereiniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 1991.
Glareanus. Dodecachordon, trans. Clement Miller. Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1965.
Lowinsky, Edward, and Bonnie J. Blackburn, eds. Josquin des Prez: Proceedings of the International
Festival-Conference Held at The Juilliard School at Lincoln Center in New York City, 22–25 June
1971 . London: Oxford University Press, 1976.
Sherr, Richard, ed. The Josquin Companion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Chapter 15 A Perfected Art

Benham, Hugh.   Latin   Church  Music   in  England,    c.  1460–1575.  London: Barrie  &   Barrie, 1975.
Blackburn, Bonnie J., Clement Miller, and Edward Lowinsky. A Correspondence of Renaissance
Musicians. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Brown, Howard Mayer. Embellishing Sixteenth-Century Music. London: Oxford University Press,
Carver, Anthony F. “Cori spezzati”: The Development of Sacred Polychoral Music to the Time of
Schütz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Crane, Frederick. Materials for the Study of the Fifteenth-Century Basse Danse. Brooklyn: Institute of
Mediaeval Music, 1968.
Josephson, David S. John Taverner: Tudor Composer. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1979.
Lowinsky, Edward. Secret Chromatic Art of the Netherlands Motet. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1946.
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