Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
troubadour  genres  and,     113 ,   397

Fons bonitatis (Kyrie verse), 111

Fontegara (Ganassi dal Fontego), 620

foot, musical. See metric foot; pes,

formes fixes (lyric poetry), 125 –26, 143

forms (Platonic), 69 , 71

Fortuna desperata (Greiter), 732

Fortunatus, Venantius, Bishop of Poitiers, 47 , 48

Foster, Stephen, 18

Fountain of Youth, 257 , 258

Fouquet, Jean, 455

four elements, 71

four finals, 73 –74, 76 , 77 –78, 99 , 587

four-part polyphony, 174 , 187 , 198 , 298 –305, 318

canzona books   and,     787
conductus, 199 –201, 199
contratenor, 270 –73, 298 –99, 301 , 302
Du Fay Credo and, 498
Lutheran chorale and, 765 –66
Masses and, 782
Miss Caput and, 466 –71, 482
Morley madrigal and, 746
as Passion text setting, 776 –77
vernacular songs and, 697

four-part texture, 301 –5, 318

four species of fifths, 73 –74

fourteenth century,

Ars Nova,    248 –87
Avignon Ordinary styles, 310 –21
English musical nationalism and, 409
esthetics, 359 , 363 –64
Italian vernacular song and, 350 , 351 –85
madrigalists and, 352 –85
mathematics and, 248 –55
motet and, 232 , 236 , 248 –87, 311 , 461
musical coloration and, 266
musical technical competition and, 337 –42
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