Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Janus, King of Cyprus, 345

Japart, Jean, 539

Jaufre Rudel, 136

J’ay pris amours (anon.), 532 –33, 534 –41

instrumental    duo on,  536 ,   537
partbook arrangements of, 540 –41, 542

J’ay pris amours (Isaac), 538 –39

J’ay pris amours (Japart), 539

J’ay pris amours (Martini), 538 , 539

J’ay pris amours (Obrecht), 539

J’ay pris amours tout au rebours (Busnoys), 539


improvisation   and,     17 ,    307 ,   536
unwritten conventions in, 17 , 261

Jean, Duke of Berry, 342

Jean de Grouchy. See Grocheio, Johannes de

Jean de Noyers. See Tapissier, Jehan Bretel, 120 , 121

Jehan des Murs, 247 –48, 249 –50, 252 , 254

harmonic    proportions of,  249 ,   250

Jehannot de l’Escurel, 123

Jehan Robert (Trebor), 342

Je l’ayme bien (Lasso), 714 , 715

Jeppesen, Knud, 670

Jerome, Saint, 20

Jerusalem, Latin Kingdom of, 107 , 345

Jerusalem Temple, 7 , 8 , 10

Jesu Cristes milde moder (twinsong), 394 , 396

Jesuits, 666 , 667 , 675 , 679

Jeu de Robin et de Marion, Le (Adam), 127 , 128 , 233 , 349

jeux-partis (mock-debates), 121 , 122

Jews and Judaism,

Christian   liturgy and,     7 –8,   10 ,    12 ,    13 ,    21 ,    54

Jherusalem, two counterpoints to, 154

“Jingle Bells” (song), 18

jingles, 185

Joan of Arc, 421 , 447

joc-partit. See tenso

joglars. See minstrels

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