Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
favole  in  musica  and,     834
liturgical music, 12 , 28
oratorio and, 834

Leo III, Pope, 3 , 4

Leo IX, Pope, 141

Leo X, Pope, 555

Leo Hebraeus. See Gersonides

Leonel Power. See Power, Leonel

Leonin (Leoninus magister), 173 , 174 , 175 , 177 , 179 , 183 , 184 , 185 , 186 , 187 , 249

Leonius (poet), 175 , 184 , 185 , 191

Leopold V, King of Austria, 117

Lepanto, battle of (1571), 779 , 787

lesson chants, 13 , 25 , 171 , 775

“Letter Concerning the Prison of Human Life” (Christine de Pisane), 447

Levi ben Gershom. See Gersonides

lewd songs. See bawdy songs

Liberal Arts, The: Music (Perréal), 548

liberal arts curriculum, 4 , 69 , 71 , 248 , 550

madrigals   and,     354

Libera me (responsory verse), 88 –89

Liber de civitatis Florentiae famosis civibus (Villani), 353

Liber hymnorum (Notker), 41 , 42

Liber primus missarum Josquini (Petrucci music book), 559

Liber responsorialis (Benedictine), 22

Liber sancti Jacobi. See Codex Calixtinus,

Liber usualis (chant book), 23 , 87 , 177 , 177 , 178 , 462


Gagliano,    818 –19,    826
Wagner as own, 337

Libro de villanelle, moresche, et altre canzoni (song collection), 715

Lichfield, Bishop of, 423


Meisterlied (master-song)   and,     139 –40
Minnelied and, 134 –39, 143

Liedbearbeitung, 541

Liederbuch (Schöffer), 701

Liedet, Lyset, 622

Liedsäatz, 761 –62, 765

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