Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Royal Chapel (England). See Chapel Royal,

Royal Library (Kraków), 539

“Roy Henry” (King Henry of England), 413 , 417

Deo gratias Anglia  (“Agincourt Carol”),     418 –21
Sanctus, 417 –18

rubrics, 52 , 262 , 265

canon   and,     331
Machaut rondeau and, 327 –28, 330

Ruffo, Vincenzo, 650 , 653 , 666

Missae  Quatuor concinate   ad  ritum   Concili Mediolani,   650 ,   651

ruggiero (ground bass), 626 –27

rule of closeness, 276 –77

Rupertsberg convent (Trier), 90 , 91

Russia, serfdom in, 143

Russian ballet, 127

Russian language, 102

rustic parody. See faux-naïveté,


Sacchetti, Liberio, 127

Sachs, Hans, 139 , 140 , 141 , 142 , 143

Sacrae symphoniae (G. Gabrieli), 782 –86, 790 –92

sacra rappresentazione (sacred play), 832 –34

sacred music. See liturgical music; oratorio

St. Armand abbey, 71 , 77

St. Benoit abbey, 93

Saint-Denis abbey and basilica, 2 , 169

Sainte Chapelle (Dijon), 485

Sainte Gudule Church (Brussels), 548

St. Gallen abbey, 15 , 17 , 41 , 42 , 42 , 51 , 52 , 71

St. Gallen troper, 17 , 51 , 52

St. Geneviève collegiate church, 170

St. Jean de Réôme abbey (Burgundy), 76

St. John Passion (Gallus), 775 , 776 , 777 –79, 801

Saint Madeleine Church, 310

St. Mark’s Cathedral (Venice), 600 , 600 , 605 , 606 , 607 , 611 , 620 , 786

concerted   music   and,     789 –90,    795
Gabrielis and, 779 –80, 784 , 787 , 790 –96
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