Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

stile rappresentativo, 802 , 826

earliest    surviving   example of,  827 ,   831

stile recitativo,

first   practice    of,  823 ,   826

Straeten, Edmund vander, 559

Stravinsky, Igor, 152

Gesualdo    madrigals   and,     738 ,   739
Rite of Spring, The, 349

strophe (stanza), 13 , 366 , 374 , 827

bergerette,  526
as Nuova musiche song type, 813
repetition and, 813

strophic form. See couplet

strophic office hymn, 47 –49

Strozzi, Piero, 800

Strozzi, Ruberto, 620

structural imitation, 528 –29, 535 –36

Stuart dynasty, 675

Style of Palestrina and the Dissonance, The (Jeppesen), 670

stylistic consciousness, 267 , 270

stylistic evolution, meaning of, 245 , 247 –48, 580

stylus luxurians. See luxuriant style

subsemitonium modi, 274 , 275 , 276 , 293 , 298

subtilitas (subtlety), 327 –49, 342

notation    and,     339 –42,    341

subtle art, 327 –36

subtonium modi, 79 , 274 , 368 , 469

successive composition, 301

Sumer Canon, 387 –92, 388 , 394 , 397 , 399 , 408 , 419 , 457 , 565

Sumerian language, 31

Sumer is icumen in/Lhude sing cuccu!, 387 –88, 388

See also Sumer Canon

Summa artis rithimici vulgaris dictaminis (Antonio), 723

sung verse play. See liturgical drama,

super librum singing, 438 –39

Supplimenti musicali (Zarlino), 800

supra librum (improvised polyphony), 758

Supremum est mortalibus bonum (Du Fay), 282

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