Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
as  trobar  clus    principle,   330 ,   352

virtuoso singing,

madrigalist,     356 ,   363 ,   364
Notre Dame polyphony and, 178
ornamentation and, 816 –17

Visconti family, 352

visitatio sepulchri, 52

Vitalian, Pope, 62

Vitellozzi, Cardinal, 650

Vitry, Philippe de (later Bishop of Meaux), 248 , 249 , 256 –58, 259 , 261 , 267 , 281 , 286

contratenor addition    and,     298 –99
Landini musical tribute to, 378 , 384
Machaut’s legacy compared with, 289
on musica ficta, 273
notational innovations of, 262 , 265 , 337
works of
Ars nova, 248 , 258 , 273 , 337
Tribum/Quoniam/MERITO, 256 –58, 258 , 259 , 261 , 337
Tuba sacre/In Arboris/VIRGO SUM, 261 –65, 262 , 311 , 337

Vive le roy (Josquin), 563 , 563

vocal music,

Augustine’s reaction    to,  66
ballata as, 364 –74
canzona as, 788 –89
chamber works as, 539 –40, 542
earliest written-down secular, 106
English, 387 –96, 452
Frankish polyphonic, 44 –47
ground bass and, 812
instrumental accompaniment to, 131 –33, 296 , 307 , 741 –42, 780 –81
Nuove musiche and, 813 –22
oral tradition and, 17 –18, 19
partbooks, 539 –40
printed organ accompaniment, 781 –82
rhetorical embellishments of, 816 –17, 821
sight-singing and, 47 , 76 , 104 , 617
song competitions and, 139 , 141 , 208 , 352–53, 364, 367, 701, 737
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