Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)
SITUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 90 a. [⅘/↗ xhhuan] ѣ但 Zhdngcan – 㾵但 xccan b. [ᱥ shì] ᆜ⭕/ᆮ⭕ xuésheng – 㘷ᐾ/㘷ᑡ lfoshc c. [ᆜ/ᆮ xué] ѣളᮽᆜ/ ...
Asking questions and replying to questions 91 8 Turn each of the following statements into a content question in which you ask a ...
SITUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 92 9 Place these phrases in the correct order to correspond to the English translations. a. 儎䐕䷁ ѰӶѾ уᝅ ...
Asking questions and replying to questions 93 10 Translate these questions into Mandarin. a. Where do you study Chinese? b. When ...
94 29 Expressing identification, possession, and existence 1 Complete each of the following sentences with ᱥ shì, ᴿ ywu, or ൞ zà ...
Expressing identification, possession, and existence 95 h. ค㾵䗯 ________ ཝᆜคȾ ค㾵䛀 ________ ཝᆮคȾ Chéng xcbian ________ dàxué chéng ...
SITUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 96 3 Unscramble these noun phrases to correspond to their English translations. a. ྯⲺྩᆟᆆᖾⲺ┸Ӥ ta de nn h ...
Expressing identification, possession, and existence 97 ᡇ⸛䚉θᛞ䃠Ⲻ ________ ѣኧޢൈȾѣኧޢൈ ________ 䙏ވθ ᛞਥԛආޣ㲕䔀Ⱦ䔀ㄏቧ ________ ቃ䶘Ⱦр䔀䋭車Ⱦ ...
98 30 Describing people, places, and things 1 Describe ⧁᱄ Wáng Míng in complete sentences in terms of these attributes. a. 18 ye ...
Describing people, places, and things 99 c. steamed buns [俈ཪ/佻乣 mántou] – flour [䶘㊿/哠㊿ miànfgn] d. ice cubes [ඍߦ/ߦ bcngkuài] – ...
100 31 Describing how actions are performed 1 In complete Mandarin sentences, describe how ⧡⧨ Táng Méilíng does each of the fol ...
Describing how actions are performed 101 a. ྯᆜᗍᙄѾṭϋ ྯᆮᗍᙄ哳⁙ϋ Ta xué de zgnmeyàng? b. ྯڐ㨒ڐᗍᙄѾṭϋ ྯڐ㨒ڐᗍᙄ哳⁙ϋ Ta zuò cài zuò de zgnmey ...
SITUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 102 a. ⧡⧨ᣀ䰞ᔶᔶҼȾ ⧡⧨ᣀ䮶䯁䯁ҼȾ Táng Méilíng bf mén kaikai le. Tang Meiling opened the door slowly. [មម൦ màn ...
104 32 Indicating result, conclusion, potential, and extent 1 Insert the right resultative verb ending to complete the meaning o ...
Indicating result, conclusion, potential, and extent 105 3 Translate these sentences into Mandarin using the parenthesized verb ...
SITUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 106 5 Select the correct resultative or potential expression to match the English meanings. a. Ԍ ____ ཝ ...
Indicating result, conclusion, potential, and extent 107 6 Use a resultative verb to complete each of the following sentences to ...
SITUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 108 7 Complete these sentences in Mandarin to match the English meaning, using the phrases provided to ...
Indicating result, conclusion, potential, and extent 109 9 Mrs. Peng is telling the nanny what needs to be done while they are a ...
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