Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Expressing identification, possession, and existence


h. ค㾵䗯 ________ ཝᆜคȾ
ค㾵䛀 ________ ཝᆮคȾ
Chéng xcbian ________ dàxué chéng.
The west side of the city is the university district.
i. 䛙Ѡཝᆜ ________ жнᆜ⭕Ⱦ
䛙فཝᆮ ________ ж㩢ᆮ⭕Ⱦ
Nàge dàxué ________ yc wàn xuésheng.
That university has ten thousand students.
j. ⭫ᖧ䲘 ________ ഴҜ侼Ⲻሯ䶘Ⱦ
䴱ᖧ䲘 ________ ൌᴮ佞Ⲻቃ䶘Ⱦ
Diànyhng yuàn ________ túshegufn de duìmiàn.
The movie theater is right across from the library.
➪ 29.1, 29.2, 29.3

2 Translate these noun phrases into English.

Example:⡮⡮ڐⲺ侣 → food that dad cooked
bàba zuò de fàn
a. ᡇଛଛⲺྩᵁਁ
wi gbge de nn péngyou
b. ֖Ⲻ᯦䖜
nh de xcn chb
c. ᡇԢⲺཌ䈣㘷ᐾ
wimen de wàiyj lfoshc
d. ᆟᆆⲺ྾྾
háizi de mama
e. ᡇᕕᕕⲺੂኁⲺᵁਁ
wi dìdi de tóngwe de péngyou
f. ᡇᵁਁⲺੂኁⲺᕕᕕ
wi péngyou de tóngwe de dìdi
g. ᕖ㘷ᐾⲺ࿯࿯Ⲻᆜ⭕
Zhang lfoshc de mèimei de xuésheng
h. ᕖ㘷ᐾⲺᆜ⭕Ⲻ࿯࿯
Zhang lfoshc de xuésheng de mèimei
➪ 29.2.2
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