Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Expressing contrast


d. Ԁཟ⋗с䴠Ⱦ䶔ᑮ߭Ⱦ
Jcntian méi xià xug. Fbicháng lgng.
e. Ԁཟ㘹䈋θੂᆜԢ䜳ࡦҼȾ㘷ᐾ䘎⋗ᶛȾ
Jcntian kfoshì, tóngxuémen ddu dào le. Lfoshc hái méi lái.
f. Ԍ౪ру䈪Ⱦᗹ䠂ᖾу儎ުȾ[౪ zuh mouth]
Ta zuh shàng bù shud. Xcnlh hgn bù gaoxìng.
g. ྯᱥѣളӰȾྯу௒⅘ਹѣള侣Ⱦ
Ta shì Zhdngguó rén. Ta bù xhhuan chc Zhdngguó fàn.
h. ᆜѣᮽᖾ㣧ᰬ䰪Ⱦᡇᖾ௒⅘ᆜȾ
Xué Zhdngwén hgn hua shíjian. Wi hgn xhhuan xué.
➪ 41.1

4 Add the contrast connector প/঱ què to the sentences you created in (3).

➪ 41.2.1

5 Add ਃ䗽ᶛ/ּਃ䚄 ftnguòlái or ਃ㙂 ftn’ér to each sentence to best reflect
the type of contrast involved.
a. 䳴Ⲻ≿ᆍߏሯҼȾᇯ᱉Ⲻߏ䭏ҼȾ
Nán de Hàn zì xigduì le. Róngyì de xigcuò le.
The difficult Chinese characters are written correctly. The easy ones are
written incorrectly.
b. 䇚ⵕⲺᆜ⭕ཝᇬ䜳௒⅘Ⱦу䇚ⵕⲺᆜ⭕ཝᇬ䜳у௒⅘Ⱦ
Rènzhbn de xuésheng dàjia ddu xhhuan. Bù rènzhbn de xuésheng dàjia
ddu bù xhhuan.
Everyone likes conscientious students. No one likes students who are not
c. ཟ≊✣ӰԢサⲺ㺙ᵃቧቇȾཟ≊߭ӰԢサⲺ㺙ᵃቧཐȾ
Tianqì rè rénmen chuan de ycfu jiù shfo. Tianqì lgng rénmen chuan
de ycfu jiù dud.
When it is hot, people wear less clothing. When it is cold, people wear
more clothing.

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