Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


3 Complete each sentence to match the English translation by adding the
appropriate expression of obligation and prohibition.
Example:䈭֖ⲺᵁਁਹᲐ侣 → ֖ᓊ䈛䈭֖ⲺᵁਁਹᲐ侣Ⱦ
䄁֖ⲺᵁਁਹᲐ伥 ֖៿䂨䄁֖ⲺᵁਁਹᲐ伥Ⱦ
qvng nv de péngyou Nv yqnggoi qvng nv de péngyou chq
chq wtnfàn wtnfàn.
You should invite your friends to dinner.
a. ሯ㘷ᐾᇘ≊
duì lfoshc kèqi
You should be polite to your teachers.
b. ∅ཟр䈴
mgitian shàng kè
You have to attend class every day.
c. ∅ཟᲐрᆜѣᮽ
mgitian wfnshang xué Zhdngwén
You ought to study Chinese every night.
d. Ҧжᵢѣᮽᆍޮ
mfi yc bgn Zhdngwén zìdifn
You must buy a Chinese dictionary.
e. ⵁ䛙Ѡ⭫ᖧ
kàn nàge diànyhng
You don’t have to see that movie.
➪ 12.4, 12.5

4 Express these obligations and prohibitions in Mandarin.

a. You should eat breakfast every morning.
b. You must lock the door. [䬷䰞/䧌䮶 sui mén to lock the door]
c. You should not drink too much coffee.
d. You should not read other people’s letters.
e. You do not have to wait for me.
f. You have to find a job.
g. You don’t have to go home early.
h. You are not permitted to smoke in a hospital.
➪ 12.4, 12.5

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