17 Aspect
1 Write a sentence for each action describing what Li did yesterday.
a. read two books
b. had coffee with friends
c. watched television for an hour
d. went shopping with his roommate.
e. bought an expensive pair of sneakers. [䘆ࣞ䷁/䚁ऋ䷁ yùndòng xié
sneakers, athletic shoes]
➪ 17.1
2 Negate these actions and translate your sentences into English.
a. ᆜṗᔶᆜҼȾ
Xuéxiào kai xué le.
School has started.
b. ᡇҦ䈴ᵢҼȾ
Wi mfi kèbgn le.
I bought textbooks.
c. ᡇҦҼпᵢѣᮽҜȾ
Wi mfi le san bgn Zhdngwén she.
I bought three Chinese books.
d. ᡇڐࣕ䈴ҼȾ
Wi zuò gdngkè le.
I did my homework.
e. ᡇⲺੂኁⲳཟ㿿Ⱦ
Wi de tóngwe báitian shuì jiào.
My roommate sleeps during the day.