Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Resultative verbs


c. ᡇᢴࡦᐛ֒ҼȾ
Wi zhfodào gdngzuò le.
I found a job.
d. 䘏Ѿ唇ᡇⵁу㿷Ⱦ
Zhème hbi wi kànbùjiàn.
It’s so dark I can’t see it.
➪ 18.5, 18.6.1

4 Chen Li and Wang Xiaoming are roommates. Complete their conversation,
adding in the correct resultative verbs in the correct form.
a. 䱾φ㣧⭕䞧൞ଠݵϋᡇ ____Ⱦ
䲩φ㣧⭕䟢൞ଠވϋᡇ ____Ⱦ
Chén: Huashbngjiàng zài nfr? Wi ____.
Chen: Where is the peanut butter? I can’t find it.
b. ⧁φಘθᡇᱞཟ ____ ҼȾ
Wáng: Ò wi zuótian ____ le.
Wang: Oh, I finished it yesterday.
c. 䱾φ֖ᱞཟ ____ Ҽ੍ϋ
䲩φ֖ᱞཟ ____ Ҽఄϋ
Chén: Nh zuótian ____ le ma?
Chen: You ate it up yesterday?
d. ⧁φሯȾᡇৱ୼ᓍҦθਥᱥ ____ 㣧⭕䞧 䜳 ____ ҼȾ
⧁φቃȾᡇৱ୼ᓍ䋭θਥᱥ ____ 㣧⭕䟢 䜳 ____ ҼȾ
Wáng: Duì. Wi qù shangdiàn mfi, kgshì ____ (huashbngjiàng)
ddu ____ le.
Wang: Yes, I went to the store to buy some, but I couldn’t buy any
(couldn’t obtain it by shopping). Peanut butter was all sold out.
➪ 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6

5 Choose one of the following resultative complements to complete each

օ zhù ᦿ diào 侧/伳 bfo Ր/ᴹ huì ࡦ dào ᇂ wán

a. 僇㠠㺂䖜у䳴θжѠсॾቧᆜ ________ ҼȾ
偄㠠㺂䔀у䴙θжفсॾቧᆮ ________ ҼȾ
Qí zìxíngchb bù nán, ycge xiàwj jiù xué ________ le.
Riding a bike is not hard. You can learn it in one afternoon.
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