Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

24 Greetings and goodbyes

1 Match these greetings with the appropriate situation.

Greeting Situation
a. ᶛਹ侣੍ϋ 1 You see an acquaintance going home.
Lái chc fàn ma?
b. 㘷䱾έ 2 It is 7 a.m.
Lfo Chén!
c. рଠݵৱϋ 3 You see your professor on the subway.
Shàng nfr qù?
d. ᰟȾ 4 You run into your good friend at a restaurant.
e. ഔᇬ੶Ⱦ 5 You pass your neighbor on the street at noon.
Huí jia ya.
f. р⨣ৱ੍ϋ 6 You are at your front door and see your
р⨣ৱఄϋ neighbor leaving the house.
Shàng ban qù ma?
g. ⧁㘷ᐾླȾ 7 You are at your car at 7:30 a.m. and see your
⧁㘷ᑡླȾ neighbor walk by.
Wáng lfoshc hfo.
➪ 24.1

2 Provide the equivalent Mandarin expressions.

a. See you again.
b. See you in a while.
c. See you soon.
d. See you tomorrow.
e. See you next week.
➪ 24.2
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