Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

28 Asking questions and replying to questions

1 Turn these statements into yes–no questions with ੍/ఄ ma. Be careful to
change the pronouns when appropriate. Translate your questions into English.
Example:ᡇՐ䈪ѣᮽȾ → ֖Ր䈪ѣᮽ੍ϋ
ᡇᴹ䃠ѣᮽȾ ֖ᴹ䃠ѣᮽఄϋ
Ww huì shur Zhrngwén. Nv huì shur Zhrngwén ma?
I can speak Chinese. Can you speak Chinese?
a. ᡇᜩৱѣളȾ
Wi xifng qù Zhdngguó.
I want to go to China.
b. ྯᴿ⭭ᵁਁȾ
Ta yiu nán péngyou.
She has a boyfriend.
c. ᡇਹ䗽⭕劲⡽Ⱦ
Wi chcguò shbngyúpiàn.
I’ve eaten sashimi before.
d. ԌԢՐ䈪ѣള䈓Ⱦ
Tamen huì shud Zhdngguó huà.
They can speak Chinese.
e. Ԍᱥ㤧ളӰȾ
Ta shì Ycngguó rén.
He is English.
f. ᡇ௒⅘᯻㺂Ⱦ
Wi xhhuan lnxíng.
I like to travel.

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