Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
reSuLTATIve verbS

  • 不定 budìng. This suffix only occurs in the negative potential form. It is most commonly used
    as a suffix for the verb 说/說 shuō ‘say.’ 说不定 shuōbudìng means ‘unable to say for sure,
    perhaps, possibly.’

Tài wǎnle, shuōbudìng tā jīntiān bù huì lái le.
It’s too late, perhaps he won’t come today.

  • 得动/動 dedòng ‘able to move’/-不动/動 budòng ‘unable to move’

Tā de xíngli tài zhòng le, yīge rén nábudòng.
His suitcase is too heavy. One person can’t lift it all by himself.

Zhège qìchē zhème zhòng, tā tuīdedòng tuībudòng?
This car is so heavy. Can he move it (by pushing)?

Zhèi kuài niúròu tài lǎo le, wǒ yǎobudòng.
This piece of beef is too tough. I cannot chew it.

18.7 Resultative suffixes with figurative or idiomatic meaning

Some resultative suffixes have figurative or idiomatic meanings. Here are some examples. Notice
that sentences with these resultative suffixes typically end with 了 le.

  • 死 sǐ ‘extremely, terribly, to death’

忙死 mángsǐ ‘busy to death’
貴死 guìsǐ ‘so expensive it would put one in the grave’
累死 lèisǐ ‘dead tired’
饿死/餓死 èsǐ ‘starving to death’
笑死 xiàosǐ ‘die laughing’
穷死/窮死 qióngsǐ ‘dead broke’
急死 jísǐ ‘worry to death’
吓死/嚇死 xiàsǐ ‘frightened to death, scared to death’

Zhèi jǐ tiān bǎ wǒ mángsǐ le.
I've been worked to death these past few days.
Nàge diànyǐng zhēn kěxiào, bǎ wǒ xiàosǐ le.
That movie was very funny. I could have died laughing.

  • 坏/壞 huài ‘bad, badly, terribly.’ When 坏/壞 huài is used as a resultative suffix, the sentence
    typically ends with 了 le.
    吓坏/嚇壞 xiàhuài ‘terrified’
    累坏/壞 lèihuài ‘dog-tired’
    饿坏/餓壞 èhuài ‘starving’
    乐坏/樂壞 lèhuài ‘wild with joy’
    气坏/氣壞 qìhuài ‘very angry’

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