Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
BaSiC StrateGieS For CommUNiCatioN

25.11.5 Giving examples

To give examples, use these expressions to introduce your remarks:
比方说/比方說 bǐfang shuō ‘for example’ (+ sentence)

Zhōngwén gén Yīngwén bù tóng. Bǐfang shuō, Zhōngwén yǒu shēngdiào,
Yīngwén méi yǒu.
Chinese and English are different. For example, Chinese has tones, English doesn’t
have tones.
例如 lìrú ‘for example’ (+ sentence)

Qǐng nǐ shuō yīxià nǐ shì zěnme xué Zhōngwén de, lìrú měitiān huā duōshao
shíjiān, tīng duōshao shíjiān lùyīn, děng děng.
Please tell (me) how you study Chinese, for example, how many hours you spend
every day, how long you listen to recordings, etc.
譬如 pìrú ‘for example’ (used the same way as 例如 lìrú, but in more formal contexts)

举例来说/舉例來說 jǔlì láishuō ‘to give an example’ (+ sentence)
Zhōngguó huà yǒu hěn duō cí kěyǐ chóngdié, jǔ lì lái shuō, zǒu zǒu, gēge,
tiāntiān, děng.
The Chinese language has a lot of words that can be reduplicated, for example,
‘zou zou,’ ‘gege,’ ‘tiantian,’ etc.

25.11.6 Summarizing and concluding
To summarize and conclude, use these expressions to introduce your remarks:

总而言之/總而言之 zǒng’éryánzhī ‘in other words, to put it another way’
Zhè jiàn shì wǒmen yǐjing tán le hěn duō cì le. Zǒng’éryánzhī, xīwàng wǒmen
néng hùxiāng xìnrèn.
We’ve talked about this matter many times before. To put it another way, I hope we
can trust each other.

总括来说/總括來說 zǒngkuò láishuō ‘to sum up’
Zǒngkuò láishuō, Zhōngguó wénzì tài fùzá, xūyào gǎigé.
To sum things up, the Chinese language is too complicated and needs to be revised.

最后/最後 zuìhòu ‘finally’
Yǐxià shì wǒde kànfǎ, zuìhòu xīwàng gè wèi néng duō tí yìjian.

What follows is my opinion. Finally, I hope that everyone will provide feedback.

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