Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Summary of the functions of resultative verbs

action verb + 不 bu + resultative suffix

Wáng lǎoshī de huà wǒ dōu tīngbudǒng.
I can’t understand (by listening) what Professor Wang says.

Wǒ zhǎobudào wǒ de píbāo.
I can’t find my wallet.

(^) Note the infixes 得 de and 不 bu are the only things that can occur between an action verb and a resultative

C18.6, 19.5 Using resultative verbs to indicate that a result cannot be achieved
no matter what
Resultative verbs in the negative potential form occur with the question word 怎么/怎麼 zěnme
to indicate that a result cannot be achieved no matter what the subject does.

Wǒ zěnme xué yě xuébuhuì.
No matter how I study I can’t learn (it).

Tā zěnme zhǎo yě zhǎobudào.
No matter how I look I can’t find (it).


32.3 Summary of the functions of resultative verbs

The functions of resultative verbs and their occurrence with 了 le and negation are summarized

The action occurred and the result
was attained

The action occurred but the result or
conclusion was not attained

resultative verb + 了 le 没 méi + resultative verb
我吃饱了。 我没吃饱。
我吃飽了。 我沒吃飽。
Wǒ chībǎo le. Wǒ méi chībǎo.
I ate until full. I did not eat until full.
(I ate but was not full.)

It is possible to attain the indicated result
or conclusion by performing the verb

It is impossible to attain the indicated result
or conclusion by performing the verb

action verb 得 de result /conclusion action verb 不 bu result /conclusion
我吃得饱。 我吃不饱。
我吃得飽。 我吃不飽。
Wǒ chīdebǎo. Wǒ chībubǎo.
I am able to eat until full. I am unable to eat until full.
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