Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
toPiC, FoCUS, aNd emPhaSiS

她把论文写完了。(verb with resultative ending)
Tā bǎ lùnwén xiěwán le.
She finished writing her thesis.
(She took her thesis and finished writing it.)

他把每个字都写错了。(verb with resultative ending)
Tā bǎ měi gè zì dōu xiěcuò le.
He wrote every character wrong.
(He took every character and wrote it wrong.)

C18, 19, 20, 32.1

Mandarin often uses 把 bǎ when English would use a passive sentence.

C 21

For a more detailed discussion of 把 bǎ, see

C 20

57.2.2 indicating exception or addition with 除了 chúle... 以外 yHwài

除了 chúle noun phrase 以外 yǐwài
except for (noun phrase); in addition to (noun phrase)

This expression introduces an exception to a situation or an additional example of a situation.
The structure itself is the same whether it focuses on an exception or an example. The context
of the sentence makes it clear whether the sentence is providing an exception or an additional

  • The noun phrase that follows 除了 chúle may be the subject, a ‘time when’ expression, or
    the object of the verb.

  • The full expression includes both 除了 chúle and 以外 yǐwài. However, either phrase may
    be omitted.

  • 也 yě or 都 dōu typically occurs in the predicate.

除了 chúle... 以外 yǐwài marking exception: ‘except for noun phrase’

除了 chúle + subject

Chúle yéye yǐwài, wǒmen quánjiā dōu qù Zhōngguó lǚyóu.
Except for grandfather, our whole family is going to China to travel.

除了 chúle + time when

Chúle xīngqītiān yǐwài, tā měitiān dōu fùxí Zhōngwén.
Except for Sunday, he reviews Chinese every day.

除了 chúle + object

Chúle kǔguā yǐwài, wǒ dìdi shénme dōu chī.
Except for bitter melon, my younger brother eats everything.
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