Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


máo 毛 ‘dime’ 8.2.2, 8.5
may (see possibility, permission)
means of transportation 48.5
measure words (see classifiers)
méi guānxi 没关系/沒關係 ‘it’s not important’
62.4, 63.1.1
méi yǒu 没有
and comparison structures 10.7, 29.4.1
and existence 25.3.1, 43.2
and non-occurrence of actions 33.3, 33.4, 33.6
and possession 25.2.1
negation of 有 yǒu 11.6.4,
minute 分 fēn 49.1
modal verbs 12
modifying a noun
modification with 的 de 9.2, 30.3
modification with 之 zhī 9.6
modifying a noun with a location phrase 47.3
modifying a noun with specifiers or numbers
order of modifiers within the noun phrase
money 钱/錢 qián 8.5
months 月 yuè 49.2.2
moral obligations (see should)
more and more 越来越 yuè lái yuè AV 10.9.1,
12.6.4, 38.3.1
more than 比 bǐ 6.5, 10.7, 33.3
moreover 并且/並且 bìngqiě 40.4, 再说/再說
zài shuō ‘moreover, to put it another way’
motion, verbs of 19.2, 48
movement and directions 48
bìděi 必得 12.4.1, 50.1.1
bìxū 必须/必須12.4.1, 50.1.1
děi 得 12.4.1, 12.6.5, 50.1.1, 53.2
must not 不许/不許 bù xǔ 12.5, 50.2
měi 每 ‘every’ 35.1, 46.3, 46.4.1

nǎ, něi 哪 ‘which?’, 5.1, 7.4, 9.1, 28.6
nà nèi 那 ‘that’ 5.1, 7.2, 9.1
nǎlǐ 哪里/哪裏 ‘where?’, 5.1, 7.4, 28.6
nàlǐ 那里/那裏 ‘there’, 7.3, in distance
expressions 47.4.1
name cards 22.6
names 22.1
loan words and naming foreign objects 2.5
proper nouns 5.3
terms of address 22.5
nán 南 (南面 nánmiàn, 南边/南邊 nánbiān)
nǎr 哪儿/哪兒 ‘where?’, 5.1, 7.4, 28.6
nàr 那儿/那兒 ‘there’, 7.3, in distance
expressions 47.4.1

ne 呢
as a sentence final particle 56.2
in follow-up questions 28.5
in 还是/還是 háishi ‘or’ questions 28.3
indicating ongoing situation in present time
near 近 jìn 47.4, 47.5
need not 不必 bù bì, 不用 bù yòng, 甭 béng,
不须/不須 bù xū, and 无须/無須 wú xū
12.4.3, 50.1.3
needs, expressing 53.2
negation 27
不 bù in resultative and directional verbs 18.6,
19.5, 27.4, 32.2
literary markers of negation 無 wú and 非 fēi
negating actions 13.3
negation of adjectival verbs 10.1
negation in manner adverbial phrases
negation of modal verbs 12.6.1
negation in present time situations 34.6
negation of stative verbs 11.1
negation of 有 yǒu 11.6.4,
overview of the functions of 不 bù 27.1.1
overview of the functions of 没/沒 méi and
没有/沒有 méi yǒu 27.1.2
passive and negation 21.2
position of negation in the sentence 4.8, 27.2
words that occur with negation 27.3
neutral tone 1.1
and sentence final particles 56.2
and the classifier 个/個 gè 8.2.3
and the suffix 子 zǐ
change to neutral tone 2.4
never 从来/從來 cónglái 27.3.1
new information (see new situations)
new situations 38.1
new year greetings 64.1, 64.2
next to 旁边/旁邊 pángbiān 47.1
next (week/month/year) 49.2
nián 年 ‘years’ 49.2.1
niánnián 年年 ‘every year’ 35.2, 46.3.3
nìngkě 宁可/寧可 ‘prefer’ 53.3
no matter how 怎么 V 也/怎麼 V 也
zěnme V yě, 46.4.3
no one 谁/誰 shéi 都 dōu or 也 yě + neg 46.4.2
none 46.2
north 北 běi (北面, běimiàn, 北边/北邊 běibiān)
not any 46.4.2
not anymore neg + sentence final 了 le 38.1.4
not have to (see need not)
not only, but also 不但... 而且...
bùdàn... érqiě 40.8
not equal to 不如 bùrú 33.4.2
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