Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

6.6.3 decimals

Decimals are recited as a series of single digits and zeros after a decimal point. The decimal
point is read as 点/點 diǎn:
1.1 一点一/一點一 yī diǎn yī
2.5 (二 or) 两点五/(二 or) 兩點五 (èr or) liǎng diǎn wǔ
14.56 十四点五六/十四點五六 shísì diǎn wǔ liù
30.808 三十点八零八/三十點八零八 sānshí diǎn bā líng bā
8.06 八点○六/八點○六 bā diǎn líng liù

If there is no number before the decimal point, the fraction may optionally be recited as
○点/點 (XXX) líng diǎn (XXX):
.35 ○点三五/○點三五 líng diǎn sān wǔ
.27 ○点二七/○點二七 líng diǎn èr qī

note Chinese often omits the final zero after a decimal point. For example, $8.60 may also be written as $8.6.

6.6.4 Indicating ‘half’
The word 半 bàn means ‘half.’

To indicate half of something, place 半 bàn before the classifier associated with the thing.
bàn wǎn fàn
half a bowl of rice

bàn běn shū
half a book
bàn bēi shuǐ
half a glass of water

C 8

To indicate one or more things and a half, place 半 bàn immediately after the classifier associ-
ated with the thing:
number + classifier + 半 bàn

sān wǎn bàn (fàn)
three and a half bowls (of rice)
sān běn bàn (shū)
three and a half volumes (of books)

sān bēi bàn (shuǐ)
three and a half cups (of water)
To indicate ‘half’ in time expressions, see Chapter 49.

C49.1.1,, 49.1.4

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