Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

bì 蔽 V hide, conceal (See yǐnbì 隐蔽.)
bì 臂 N the arm 手臂 shǒubì the arm
bì 毕 TRAD 畢 V finish
bìjìng 毕竟 ADV after all, anyway
bìyè 毕业 [v+obj: 毕 finish + 业 course of study] V graduate from school ■ 你哪一年毕业?Nǐ nǎ yì
nián bìyè? When will you graduate? ■ 我父亲 二十多年前从一所著名大学毕业。Wǒ fùqin
èrshí duō nián qián cóng yì suǒ zhùmíng dàxué bìyè. My father graduated from a famous university
over twenty years ago.
bì 痹 N pain or numbness (See mábì 麻痹.)
bì 避 V evade, avoid ■ 很多人在商场里避雨。Hěn duō rén zài shāngchǎng li bì yǔ. Many people are
in the shopping mall to shelter from the rain.
bìmiǎn 避免 [comp: 避 evade + 免 be free from] V avoid, avert ■ 她避免和以前的男朋友见面。Tā
bìmiǎn hé yǐqián de nán péngyou jiànmiàn. She avoids meeting her former boyfriend. ■ 自然灾害
是无法避免的。Zìrán zāihài shì wúfǎ bìmiǎn de. Natural disasters cannot be avoided.
bì 壁 N wall (See gébì 隔壁.)
biān 边 TRAD 邊 N side, border ■ 山的这一边有很 多树,那一边没有树。Shān de zhè yì biān yǒu hěn
duō shù, nà yì biān méiyǒu shù. On this side of the hill there are lots of trees, and there are no trees
on the other side.
NOTE: The most frequent use of 边 biān is to form “compound location nouns”: 东边 dōngbian east side, 南边
nánbian south side, 西边 xībian west side, 北边 běibian north side, 里边 lǐbian inside, 外边 wàibian outside. 边
biān in such cases is often pronounced in the neutral tone.

biān ...
biān 边 ... 边 CONJ (used with verbs to indicate simultaneous actions) ■ 他们边走边谈, 不一会儿就
到市中心了。Tāmen biān zǒu biān tán, bùyíhuìr jiù dào shì zhōngxīn le. They chatted while
walking, and soon reached the city center.
biānjiāng 边疆 [comp: 边 border + 疆 boundary] N border area
biānjiè 边界 [comp: 边 side, border + 界 realm] N border (between two countries)
biānjièxiàn 边界线 boundary (between two countries)
biānjìng 边境 [modif: 边 side, border + 境 place] N frontier, border
biānyuán 边缘 [comp: 边 side, border + 缘 edge] N edge, periphery 边缘状态 biānyuán zhuàngtài borderline
biān 编 TRAD 編 V compile, compose ■ 那本词典 是一位有丰富教学经验的老教授编的。Nà běn
cídiǎn shì yí wèi yǒu fēngfù jiàoxué jīngyàn de lǎo jiàoshòu biān de. That dictionary was compiled
by an old professor with rich teaching experience.
biānjí 编辑 [comp: 编 compile, compose + 辑 compile] V & N edit, compile; editor ■ 报纸编辑 每天收
到很多读者来信。Bàozhǐ biānjí měitiān shōudào hěn duō. The newspaper editor receives a large
number of readers’ letters every day.
biānzhī 编织 [comp: 编 compose + 织 knit] V knit
biān 鞭 N whip 鞭子 biānzi N whip (条 tiáo)
biāncè 鞭策 V spur on, urge on
biānpào 鞭炮 N firecracker 放鞭炮 fàng biānpào set off firecrackers
biǎn 扁 ADJ flat ■ 面包放在这么多食品的下面, 都压扁了。Miànbāo fàng zài zhème duō shípǐn de
xiàmiàn, dōu yā biǎn le. Placed under so many groceries, the bread was crushed flat.
biǎn 贬 V reduce, derogate
biǎndī 贬低 [v+compl: 贬 derogate + 低 low] V belittle, play down 贬低别人的成绩 biǎndī biéren de chéngjì
depreciate someone’s achievements
biǎnyì 贬义 N derogative meaning
biǎnzhí 贬值 [v+obj: 贬 reduce + 值 value] V devalue, depreciate 货币贬值 huòbì biǎnzhí currency

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