Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ChaPTER 9 StudY guide 209

After you have rehearsed several times from your preparation outline, you
are ready to prepare speaking notes. Although less detailed than a preparation
outline, speaking notes usually include supporting material, signposts, and de-
livery cues.

key terms
Preparation outline
Speaking notes
Standard outline form

Think about These Questions

•   Identify the organizational pattern that is used for the main ideas of this
speech. Do you think the speaker also considered primacy, recency, or
complexity? If so, which one?
Purpose statement: At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to
explain three theories about what happened to the
Central idea: There are at least three distinct theories about what
happened to the dinosaurs.
Main ideas: I. A large asteroid hit the Earth.
II. A gradual climate shift occurred.
III. The level of oxygen in the atmosphere
gradually changed.
• Can a speaker legitimately claim that a speech is extemporaneous if he or
she has constructed a detailed preparation outline? Explain your answer.
• Myorka thinks that it’s silly to worry about using correct outline form for
either her preparation outline or her speaking notes. Do you agree with
her? Give at least two reasons for your answer.
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