Lowell, Percival 76, 77, 134
Lucian of Samosata 22
Ludwig V, Emperor 218
Ludwig’s Star 218
Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) 50
Lunik (Lunar) probes 24, 43, 48,
Lunokhod 1 57
Lupus (constellation) 256–7
Luu, Jane 137
Lynx (constellation) 252–3
Lyra (constellation) 36, 168, 232
M1 Crab Nebula 182, 183, 188,
191, 250
M2 244, 245
M4 191, 238
M6 Butterfly (open stellar
cluster) 238
M7 (open stellar cluster) 238
M8 Lagoon Nebula (NGC6253)
M13 (NGC6205, in Hercules)
187, 235, 237
M15 (globular cluster) 243
M17 Omega Nebula (Swan;
Horseshoe) (NGC6618) 188,
M18 239
M20 Trifid Nebula (NGC6514)
M21 239
M22 (globular cluster) 239
M27 Dumbbell Nebula 174,
188, 234
M30 (globular cluster) 244
M31 Andromeda Spiral (Great
Spiral; NGC224) (galaxy) 188,
194, 198, 199, 200, 228, 240
M32 (in Andromeda) 198
M33 Triangulum Spiral
(Pinwheel; NGC5981) 199,
201, 240
M35 (open stellar cluster) 251
M37 (open stellar cluster) 252
M38 (open stellar cluster) 252
M41 (in Canis Major, open
stellar cluster) 248
M42 Great Nebula (Orion
Nebula) 188, 189, 194, 199,
M44 Praesepe (Manger;
Beehive; Exhalation of
Piled-up Corpses) 186, 227
M45 Pleiades (Seven Sisters)
186–7, 215, 250, 251
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy (spiral
galaxy) 200, 219
M57 Ring Nebula 188, 232
M64 Black-Eye Galaxy 225
M67 (in Cancer) 187, 227
M68 (globular cluster) 230
M72 244
M74 (galaxy) 243
M77 (Seyfert spiral galaxy) 246,
M79 (globular cluster) 249
M81 (NGC3031) (barred spiral
galaxy) 201
M87 (Virgo A) (Seyfert galaxy,
in Virgo) 185, 200, 201, 204,
M92 (globular cluster, in
Hercules) 234–5
M97 Owl Nebula 188
M100 (spiral galaxy) 195
M104 Sombrero Hat Galaxy 229
Maanen, Adriaan van 243
‘Maculae’ 106
Maffei 1 and 2 (galaxies) 198,
199, 222
Maffei, Paolo 199
Magellan probe 72–5
Magellanic Clouds 198–9, 200,
203, 216
Large 183, 203, 258, 260
Small 258, 260
Magellanic Stream 198
Magnetic phenomena
aurorae 162
electromagnetism 20, 21
Jupiter 98, 99
lunar magnetism 48
Mars 78
Mercury 64
Neptune 131
Saturn ring system 112
solar 162
Sun 157
Van Allen zones 98
Magnetopause 40
‘Magnetosheath’ 99
Earth 41
Jupiter 98, 99
Mars 41
Mercury 41
Saturn 108
‘South Atlantic Anomaly’ 41
Uranus 124
Van Allen zones 41
‘Magnetotail’ 98
Main Sequence 172, 174, 175,
178, 179, 189, 216
Manger seeM44
Maraldi (astronomer) 242, 244
Mariner probes
Mariner 2 24, 70
Mariner 4 24, 76, 78
Mariner 9 78, 86
Mariner 10 24–5, 64, 65, 66, 71
Marius, Simon 102
Mars 76–89, 229
Amor asteroids 92
atmosphere 76, 78
axial tilt 76
basins 82
‘canals’ 76–7
climate 76, 78, 86, 88
colour 63, 76, 84, 86
craters 72, 78, 79
dust storms 76, 84
brightness from 63
compared 76
distance from 76
observation from 85
future exploration 87
life on, possible 76, 86–7, 88
magnetic field 41, 78
main features listed 83
maps of 76, 77, 82–3
measured by Tycho Brahe 14
missions to 78–9, 81, 84, 85,
Beagle 2 89
manned 27
Mariner probes 24–5, 76, 78
Mars Express 89
Mars Global Surveyor orbiter
85, 88
Mars Observer probe 81
Mars Odyssey probe 87
Mars Pathfinder probe 84,
Phobos probes 81
Sojourner rover 88
Spirit and Opportunity rovers
Viking 1 79
Viking 2 79
Viking Lander 2 78, 79
Moon compared 76
movement 62–3
nomenclature 76, 82
oceans 76
oppositions 63
organic compounds on 86
phase 62
photographs of 76–9, 84–9
planetary data listed 35, 77
polar ice-caps 76, 77, 78, 79,
84, 85
satellites (Phobos and Deimos)
seasons 76, 78
soil analyses 86, 88
speed of movement 196
structure layers 78
surface 78, 88–9
synodic period 63
telescope observation 76
topography 82, 88–9
Trojan asteroids 92, 93
vegetation 76
visual identification 264
volcanoes 78, 79, 84, 85
vulcanism 78
water, evidence of 86, 87
wind-speeds 76
Mars Express 89
Mars Global Surveyor orbiter
85, 88
Mars Observer probe 81
Mars Odyssey probe 87
Mars Pathfinder probe 84, 88
‘missing’ 196, 207
neutron star 183
Mass transfer 178, 241
Mathilde (asteroid) 90
Maunder, E. W. 157
Maunder Minimum 156, 157
Maxwell, James Clerk 72
Mayor, Michel 208
of distance 170, 202
units 159
Méchain, Pierre 139, 218, 230,
243, 244, 249
Megaclite (satellite of Jupiter)
Mensa (constellation) 261
Mercury 34, 64–9
age 66
asteroids 92
atmosphere 64
bow-shock 65
brightness 63
climate 64
composition 64
core 64
craters 65, 66–7, 72
ejecta deposits 66
magnetosphere 41, 64, 65
main features listed 69
maps 64, 68–9
by Antoniadi 64, 68
by Mariner 10 64
by Schiaparelli 68
Mariner 10 probe 64, 65, 66
Messenger 64, 66
movement, speed 196
observation from Earth 62
phases of 62
planetary data listed 35, 64
poles 64, 66, 68
radar observations 66
ray-centres 65, 68
solar wind 64
structure 64
surface 65, 66–8
Moon’s surface compared 68
temperature 64
transits 62
vulcanism 66
Mercury programme 26
Messier, Charles 182, 186, 194,
199, 219, 222, 229, 244, 250,
Messier Catalogue of Clusters
and Nebulae 186, 188, 194,
225, 238, 243, 250
see alsoM numbers
Messier objects 218, 229, 230
Messier open clusters 222
Meteorite craters 150–1
Gosse’s Bluff, Northern
Territory, Australia 150, 151
Meteor Crater, Arizona, USA
150, 151
‘Saltpan’, Pretoria, South
Africa 150
Wolf Creek Crater
(Kandimalal), Western
Australia 150
Meteorites 34, 148–9
age 149
British Isles 148
classes 148
composition 148
Earth, effects of impact on 151
listed 149
Moon, bombardment of 45
size 148, 149
‘Widmanstätten patterns’ 148
ALH 84001 149
Ahnighito (‘Tent’) 148
Barwell Meteorite 149
Glatton 148
Hoba West, Grootfontein 148,
149, 151
Norton-Furnas Aerolite 149
Orgueil Meteorite 148
Sacred Stone at Mecca 148
Siberian 148, 150
SNC group 148–9
Meteoritic particles, noctilucent
clouds 40
Meteorology 40
Meteors 146–7
frequency 146
photography of 264
showers 138, 139
annual showers listed 147
size 146
Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR)
Great Meteor of 1868 146
Leonid Meteor Storm 146, 147
Quadrantids 224
Meteroids 92
Miaplacidus (star) 254
Microscopium (constellation)
Microwaves 20
Milky Way 194, 252, 253
novae 181
Mimas (satellite of Saturn) 110,
111, 116, 118
Mintaka (eclipsing binary star)
Mir space station 23, 28
Mira Ceti (long-period variable
star) 246, 247
Mirach (star) 240
Miranda (satellite of Uranus)
126, 127, 128
Mitchell (astronaut) 50
Mizar (star) 218
Molecular clouds 196
Monoceros (constellation) 172,
Montaigne 139
Moon 34, 42–61
age 42
Aristarchus 53
binocular observation 265
craters 44, 45, 72
cause 45
Furnerius 51
listed 54, 56, 59, 60
Mercurian compared 67
nomenclature 44
data listed 43
and discovery of quasars 202
earliest telescopic map 14
axis, Moon’s effect on 168
distance from 42
viewed from the Moon 40
eclipse 43
far side 43, 48–9
features listed 49
first pictures of 48–9
First Quadrant (North-east)
Fourth Quadrant (South-east)
layers 43
librations 48
magnetism 48
maria (seas) 44
Crisium 44
distribution 48
Imbrium 44, 57
listed 46
Mare Orientale 48, 52
Mare Tranquillitatis 50, 54
Nubium 45, 59
Oceanus Procellarum 44, 50
Sinus Iridum 44
Mars compared 76
Mendel-Rydberg Basin 52
Mercury compared 65
missions to 24, 50–1, 54
Apollo 26, 27, 40–1, 54
Apollo landing sites 54
Clementine 52–3
lunar astronauts 50–1
Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV)
Lunik (Lunar) 24, 43, 48, 50
Lunokhod 1 57
manned 26, 50–1
Orbiter 24, 50
Prospector 52–3
Ranger 50
Surveyor 50
mountain ranges listed 47
origin 42
phases 42
polar areas 51
ray-centres 44, 45, 54
rill (cleft; rille) systems 46, 54,
Second Quadrant (North-west)
South Pole–Aitken Basin 52
Straight Wall 45, 47, 59
surface 44–5, 51
telescopic observation 266–7
Third Quadrant (South-west)
Transient Lunar Phenomena
(TLP) 45, 60
Tsiolkovskii 48–9
valleys 48
Moore, Patrick
observatory 265–3, 268
Mount Wilson Observatory,
California 16, 18, 141, 194,
Mu Cephei 172
Musca (Southern Fly)
(constellation) 261
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