100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

His subje",s COme f". " his uwn
b.dground: the high.hom f"''''rnity uf the
ra"""JUr<C and " pc", h,JUS<:: b.llet rehearsals
attend,,1 as a pri"aeg>'d "i,in", and the nude.
srtmingly ub",,,'<'1, a< he said himself,
''''''JUgh the keyhl~e '. Degas \'1$ .Iso caIJti,~",d
by Jap.n"", prints, which in'l,;ml him to
ttperi",,::nt w~h I~~iqueand unu",all"""I"""~"S.
Unf"nunatc~ .. Dtps' caustic wit lu" him

'm e Llundresses (., 1 aN)
Notbing ",uJd I!< much fortl!<r frllm tl!< g/am_ if ,b. Op..-a tbaN ,I!< roil
if ""0 ""ary launt/rmfY, Imt ,I!< ,troog dia§!""/ if ,I!< ironing talm i,
r,,"iniJcm, if tb •• dg< if tb. nag., Hi, otb", impiYa,ion for ,bi, pirtur.
,,'ar tb. ua/i"" if I)"umi..-', ponr",a/ if "",ying lift· l'Nga"lJUnud
a/m"" 2()()() I)aumi", prinn "mong bi, p,,"ar< aT! roJlurion

m.ny friends and he C.me '" • ,"'~tary uld age.
"" his biggest I"-I~,I",,, \\"1< alw"!ys his failing
"J'e<ight. I>erhaps th1t \\"1< why he ",uk "P
Ilhu,ugr:tphyat the ag>' "f 6 L the camrta being
efl'e",j",ly a new p,ir of eJ'C<. lIis exprtt
,,,nture intu I""ds \\"1< anuthrt att"'''I'' to
wo.-k .IU",..I the pmblc,,~ Hut his Ia" reSort \\'1$
n, make s,mall w:IX SCWptures of dan""'s and
1>:,,,,,,: ' ,.one S<"tS ro' lon ger cxet,,, in """",.-y.'
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