European University Sports Association - First 10 years: 1999-2009

(eusaunisport) #1
first 10 years


Minutes of the 2nd General Assembly

In order to improve the communication with their mem-
bers and universities, EUSA purchased the Internet-domain The Association also chose its logo-
type among the 18 proposals received to improve its visibility.

A calendar of International University Sport Events was es-
tablished with an aim to be used by the EUSA member fed-
erations, individual universities as well as by each individual
student. The Executive Committee also agreed on the basis
of the Student Exchange Program.

The 2nd General Assembly was organised in Paris by the
French University Sports Federation and was chaired by Mr.
Michel Bonfils from France. The delegates approved the ap-
plication of Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedo-
nia, Latvia and Romania as new member countries bringing
the membership to 29 federations. The Assembly approved
the Executive Committee Annual Report and Financial State-
ment and agreed on the Activity Plan and Budget for the
next year. The General Regulations for the European Univer-
sity Championships based on the participation of University
Teams were approved. The Sports Commission was founded
to be composed with the Technical Delegates for the sports
on the European University Championships program.

The first EUSA logo
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