Further Readings A-9
Theodore Rabb, The Struggle for Stability in Early Modern Europe (1975).
Orest Ranum, The Fronde: A French Revolution (1993).
, Paris in the Age of Absolutism (2003).
John Stoye, The Siege of Vienna: The Last Great Trial between Cross and Cres
cent (2007).
Chapter 8. The New Philosophy of Science
Herbert Butterfield, The Origins of Modern Science, 1300-1800 (1965).
John Fauvel, Raymond Flood, Michael Shortland, and Robin Wilson, eds., Let
Newton Be! A New Perspective on His Life and Works (1988).
A. R. Hall, The Revolution in Science, 1500—1750: The Formation of the Mod
ern Scientific Attitude (1983).
Margaret Jacobs, The Cultural Meaning of the Scientific Revolution (1988).
Hugh Kearney, Science and Change, 1500—1700 (1971).
Alexandre Koyr, The Formation of the Modem Scientific Attitude (1983).
T. S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution (1989).
Robert K. Merton, Science, Technology; and Society in Seventeenth-Century
England (1970).
Ingrid D. Rowland, Giordino Bruno, Philosopher, Heretic (2008).
Londa Schiebinger, The Mind Has No Sex? Women and the Origins of Modern
Science (1990).
R. S. Westfall, Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton (1993).
B. H. G. Wormald, Francis Bacon: History; Politics, and Science, 1561—1626
Chapter 9. Enlightened Thought and the Republic of Letters
Keith Baker, Inventing the French Revolution: Essays in the Political Culture of
Eighteenth-Century France (1990).
Roger Chartier, The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution (1991).
Maurice Cranston, The Noble Savage: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1754—1762 (1991).
, Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the Enlighten
ment (1986).
Thomas E. Crow, Painters and Public Life in Eighteenth-Century Paris (1985).
Robert Darnton, The Business of Enlightenment (1979).
, The Great Cat Massacre (1985).
, The Literary Underground of the Old Regime (1985).
Peter Gay, The Enlightenment: An Interpretation (2 vols., 1966—1969).
, Voltaire’s Politics: The Poet as Realist (1988).
Dena Goodman, The Republic of Letters: A Cultural History of the French
Enlightenment (1984).
Norman Hampson, A Cultural History of the Enlightenment (1969).
Carla Hesse, The Other Enlightenment: How French Women Became Modern
Darrin M. McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: Anti-Philosophes and the
Birth of the French Far Right, 1778-1830 (1998).
J. M. McManners, Death and Enlightenment: Changing Attitudes to Death
among Christians and Unbelievers in Eighteenth-Century France (1982).