A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-36 Index

ballet, 81 1

Balzac, Honore de, 535, 541

banditry, 11

Bangladesh (East Pakistan), 1162

bankers, see financial institutions, merchant­


Bank of Amsterdam, 169

Bank of England, 169, 997, 1052, 1126

Bank of France, 495, 527, 728

Bank of Prussia, 529

Bantus, 832

Bao Dai, 1167

Baptists, 221, 224, 326, 688

Barbie, Klaus, 1119

Barbizon painters, 799-800, 802

Barbon, Praise-God, 223

Barebones Parliament, 223

Barnum, P. T., 779

barometers, 307

baroque style, 122-23, 241, 330, 330

Barras, Paul, 470, 481

Barthou, Jcan-Louis, 1016

Bashkirs, 936

Basques, Spanish, 1 106, 1 186, 1 188, 1233

Bassi Veratti, Laura, 304-5

Bastille, storming of the (1789), 445-46, 446

Bather, The (Courbet), 800, 801

Batista, Fulgencio, 1155

Battle of Algiers, The, 1139

Baudelaire, Charles, 799, 799, 810

Bauhaus, 1027

Bavaria, 210, 249, 262, 265, 281, 330, 363,

395, 401, 575, 731

Catholic Reformation in, 116

1848 unrest in, 619, 629, 631, 636

French Revolution and, 476

German unification and, 667, 670

Napoleonic Wars and, 486, 488, 489, 491,

502, 507, 511

Reformation and, 81

Thirty Years’War and, 146, 150, 154, 156,


War of Bavarian Succession and, 401

Bay of Pigs invasion (1961), 1156

bayonets, 402, 403

Beaucaire, 24

Beauharnais, Eugene de, 495

Beauvoir, Simone de, 1138, 1140

Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, marquis of,


Beckett, Samuel, 1137

Beckmann, Max, 990, 991, 1029

Beer Hall Putsch (1923), 1013

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 487, 584

Belarus (White Russia or Byelorussia), 270,

716, 762, 937,951, 1073, 1208

Belgian colonies, 819-20, 826, 828, 859, 1106

independence of, 1161

Belgium, independent:

agriculture in, 1125

Catholic Church in, 792, 1020

cities of, 549, 1142

1848 unrest in, 614

in European organizations, 1115, 1123,

1226, 1227

fascism in, 1003, 1019-20

French designs on, 729

independence gained by, 458, 598-600,

599, 612

Industrial Revolution in, 524, 524

inter-war politics in, 993, 1004

Locarno treaty signed by, 986

migration from, 1018

Nazi collaborators prosecuted in, 1117

neutrality of, 1054-55

nuclear power in, 1233

population growth in, 515, 516

post-World War II economic conditions in,

1120, 1120, 1121, 1122-23, 1122

post-World War II politics in, 1130, 1226

railroads in, 522, 524

reform movements in, 786

Ruhr occupied by, 984, 986

Second Industrial Revolution in, 763

Versailles Treaty and, 967

voting rights in, 614, 646, 979

workers in, 763, 1019

in World War I, 884-85, 887, 889, 891,

922, 924

in World Warll, 1049, 1057, 1061, 1062,


Belgium (Southern Netherlands), 279, 281,

396, 424-25, 458, 459

and Congress of Vienna, 575

French Revolution and, 461,463, 464,

472, 473, 474, 481

independence of (1831), 458, 598-600,

599, 612

liberalism and nationalism in, 586, 598—600

middle classes in, 532

Napoleonic Wars and, 486, 508, 509

nobles of, 425

taxes in, 598

and Treaty of Paris, 571

Belinsky, Vissarion, 707

Bell, Alexander Graham, 755

“Belle Epoque,” 744, 778, 779

Ben Bella, Ahmed, 1169

Benes, Eduard, 1052, 1133

Bengal, 388, 399

Bentham, Jeremy, 546, 581, 696, 771

Benz, Karl, 753

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