A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-37
Berchtold, Leopold, 880, 883
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 1078
Bergman, Ingmar, 1139
Bergson, Henri, 798
Beria, Lavrenty, 1135
Berlin, 1027, 1132, 1148, 1200
Berlin, Congress of (1878), 711, 7/2, 820,
825, 868, 878
Berlin, U.S. airlift to (1948), 1148, 1149
Berlin Conference (1884-1885), 819,
Berlin Wall, 1131, 1155, 1156, 1199-1200,
1200, 1201
Berlusconi, Silvio, 1184
Bern, 109, 110, 423
Bernadette (French peasant girl), 777
Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste (Charles XIV John,
king of Sweden), 504-5
Bernhardt, Sarah, 779, 779, 893
Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 123, 123, 251
Bernstein, Edward, 791
Berry, Charles, duke of, 564, 594
Bessarabia, 711,716, 1066-67, 1112
Bessemer, Henry, 745
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald van, 883, 886,
English translation of, 111
Enlightenment views of, 316
German translation of, 118
literary references to, 543
printing of, 33-34
Protestantism and, 309, 326
Puritans and, 184, 21 1
Reformation and, 84, 86, 88, 93, 95, 99,
103, 109, 110, 118, 119, 121
bicycles, 780, 855
Bill of Rights (England; 1689), 209, 226,
bills of exchange, 168
bin Laden, Osama, 1234
biology, 292-93, 292
Bir Hacheim, Battle of (1942), 1088
birth control, 366, 1 178
Bismarck, Otto von, 650, 667-68, 670, 672,
682, 784-85, 820, 868-70, 869,
871, 885
anti-Catholic measures of, 671, 671
in Austro-Prussian War, 666-67, 729-30
background and description of, 661-64
at Congress of Berlin, 711
in Franco-Prussian War, 668-69, 731
imperialism and, 825, 828-30
and Polish uprising of 1863, 664
Black Act (Great Britain; 1723), 382
Black and Tans, 975, 976
Black Death (bubonic plague), 4, 12, 18-19,
40, 42, 46, 160, 166
Black Friday (Great Britain; 1921), 980
Black Hand (Serbia), 879, 881, 882, 883
Black Hundreds (Russia), 723
Black International (International Working
Class Alliance), 793
Black Monday (Great Britain; 1887), 701
Blair, Tony, 1182, 1183, 1236
Blanc, Louis, 566, 617
Blanqui, Auguste, 733
blockades, embargoes, 280
Napoleonic, against Great Britain,
498-500, 504
in World War I, 914,915
blood circulation, 293
Bloody Friday (Austria; 1927), 1017
Bloody Sunday, 721-22, 722
Bloody Sunday (Northern Ireland, 1922), 1187
Blum, Leon, 981, 1019, 1046
Blunden, Edmund, 907
Boccioni, Umherto, 817
Bodin, jean, 243, 261
Boer War, 703, 832-35, 834, 858-59, 871
Bohemia, 19, 262, 263, 309, 675, 681, 753,
agriculture in, 24
1848 unrest in, 624, 641, 643
government in, 30
Industrial Revolution in, 531
nobles of, 342, 395
peasants in, 357, 359
printing in, 34
Reformation in, 100
science in, 306
in Thirty Years’War, 146, 147-49, 148,
150, 152, 154, 158, 160
Boleyn, Anne, 112, J 72, 113, 114, 182
Bolivar, Simon, 586
Bolivia, 806
Bologna, 24, 50, 603, 655, 656
Bolsheviks (Russia), 718-19, 722, 723, 724,
725, 914, 916-17, 927-29, 931,
933, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938,
939-45, 942, 947, 949, 951,952,
953, 966-67, 969
see also Communist Party, in Soviet Union;
Russian Revolutions of 1917
Bonaparte, Jerome, 494
Bonaparte, Joseph, 495, 500, 507
Bonaparte, Louis, 495
Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon, see Napoleon
III, emperor of France
Bonaparte, Lucien, 475, 483
Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon, emperor
of France