A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-39

Bukharin, Nikolai, 1036, 1041

Bukovina, 1066, 1112

Bulganin, Nikolai, 1136

Bulgaria, Bulgarians, 698, 711,713, 868-69,

875, 969, 970, 972, 995

in Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, 880, 881

ethnic tensions in, 1190, 1239

fall of communism in, 1203-4

inter-war authoritarianism in, 1015, 1016

1980s reform movements in, 1177

in post-Communist era, 1215

post-World War 11 economic conditions in,


post-World War 11 settlement and, 1112,


Soviet domination of, 1105, 1132, 1192

Versailles Settlements and, 967

in World War 1, 903, 904, 909, 922, 962

in World War 11, 1067-68, 1079, 1084,


Bulge, Battle of the (1944), 1096, 1097

Biilow, Bernard von, 873

Bunker Hill, Battle of (1775), 416

Buonaparte, Carlo, 480

bureaucracies, 29

Burgundy, 27, 46, 74, 262

Burial at Omarts (Courbet), 800

Burial of the Count Orgaz, The (El Greco),

203, 203

Burke, Edmund, 404, 409, 458

Burma (Myanmar), 835, 857, 1051, 1070,


Bush, George H. W., 1236

Bush, George W., 1237

Bute, John Stuart, earl of, 409

Butler, Josephine, 766, 843

Byelorussia (Belarus or White Russia), 270,

716, 762, 937, 951, 1073, 1208

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 569, 591

Byzantine Empire, 24, 250

Byzantine painting, 68

Cabet, Etienne, 565

cahiers de doleances, 443

Caillaux, Joseph, 741

Calas, Jean, 320

Calas Affair (1761), 320, 346

Calderon de la Barca, Pedro, 203

Callaghan, James, 1181

Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de, 439-40

Calvin, Jean, 81, 107-11, 108, 121, 129

Luther compared with, 108, 109

theology of, 107-10

Calvinist Reform Church, 1020

Calvinists, 81, 110-11, 116, 119, 121, 124,

146, 184, 236, 306, 308, 805, 832

in France, 127, 129-34, 485

Jansenists compared with, 259

in Thirty Years’War, 147-49, 152, 154, 160

Cambodia, 839, 850, 851

Cambrai, Peace of (1529), 78

Cambridge University, 24, 83, 190, 308, 326,

775-76, 776, 780, 851,988

Cameroon (Cameroons), 829, 830, 847, 849,

904, 973, 1171

Camorra, 658, 659

Campo Formio, Treaty of (1797), 474, 481,


Camus, Albert, 1137, 1138, 1168

Canada, 417, 418, 421, 822, 823, 856, 948,

973, 995

in NATO, 1115

in Seven Years’ War, 400-401

in World War II, 1089, 1093

see also Nouvelle (New) France, French


canals, 142, 234, 235, 255, 321, 372

Suez, 728, 728, 738, 827, 845, 877, 919,


Candide (Voltaire), 319-20, 329

canon law, 6

Capital (Marx), 855

capitalism, 373, 375, 556, 805, 979, 981,


capital punishment, 337, 341, 358, 384,

384, 424, 470

Caporetto, Battle of (1917), 919

Capuchins, 117

Carafa, Gian Pietro, 115

Carbonari, 587, 588, 594, 603-4, 621

Carinthia, 97

Carlos, Don, 177-78

Carlos Marfa Isidro de Borbon, Don, 604

Carlowitz, Treaty of (1699), 427

Carlsbad Decrees (1819), 589

Carnegie Endowment for International

Peace, 924

Carnival, 18, 120, 120

Carnot, Lazare, 470, 473

Carnot, Sadi, 794, 795

Carol II, king of Romania, 1016, 1066-67

Caroline Islands, 904

Caroline of Brunswick, queen of England, 538

Carter, Jimmy, 1159-60

Cartesians, 299, 301-2

Cartier, Jacques, 142-43

Casablanca meeting (1943), 1094

Casement, Sir Roger, 912

Castiglione, Baldassare, 60

Castile, 18, 87, 169, 171, 173, 198, 201,

202, 204

see also Spain

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