A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-40 Index
Castlereagh, Robert, 572-73, 572, 575, 576,
Castro, Fidel, 1 155, / 7 57
Catalonia, 169, 172, 173, 205, 206, 362,
Cateau-Cambresis, Peace of (1559), 129, 178
Catherine 11 (the Great), empress of Russia,
337, 337, 339, 343, 358, 359, 423,
428, 589, 591-92
Catherine de’ Medici, 130, 130, 132, 134,
135, 136, 139
Catherine of Aragon, 1 11-13, 121, 180, 182
Catholic Center Party (Germany), 671, 673,
784, 984
Catholic Church, see Roman Catholic Church
Catholic Emancipation Act (Great Britain;
1829), 607
Catholicism, see Roman Catholic Church
Catholic League (France), 133, 134-38, 739
Catholic League (German states), 148, 150
Catholic Popular Party (Italy), 1006
Catholic Reformation, 81, 114-17, 138,
147-48, 173, 238, 287, 325, 330,
science and, 306
women and, 121-22
Cato Street Conspiracy, 606
Cavaignac, Louis, 626-28
Cavaliers, 217, 218, 219, 222
Cavendish, Margaret (duchess of Newcastle),
303-4, 304
Cavour, Camillo di, 650-57, 651, 658, 682,
Ceausescu, Elena, 1204, 1205
Ceausescu, Nicolae, 1177, 1193, 1204-5,1205
celibacy, clerical, 97, 114
censorship, 35, 346-47
in Austria, 340
by Catholic Church, 115, 309, 310
in Denmark, 424
in England, 310
in France, 256, 309, 310, 319, 323, 324,
335, 346-47, 502, 506, 594, 726,
in German states, 502
in Germany, 1027
in Great Britain, 991
in Prussia, 341
in Restoration Europe, 585
in Russia, 337, 591, 592, 705, 706, 710
in Soviet Union, 1136
in United States, 991
in World War 1,911
Center Party (Germany), 958
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA; U.S.),
1156, 1237
Cervantes, Miguel de, 202-3
Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 847, 855, 1163
Cezanne, Paul, 802
C.G.T. (General Confederation of Labor;
France), 787, 980
Chaadayev, P. A., 706
Chadwick, Edwin, 696-97
Chagall, Marc, 1078
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 672
Chamberlain, Joseph, 700, 701, 702
Chamberlain, Neville, 997, 1051, 1053, 1055,
1056, 1061
Chamber of Deputies (France), 593-97, 595,
598, 616-17
Chambord, count of, 594, 726, 734-35
Champagne, 24
Champagne, Philippe de, 145
Champlain, Samuel de, 143
Charcot, Jean, 808, 814
charitable institutions, 236, 381-82, 545,
545, 559
Charity, Organization of, 688
Charles, Archduke, of Austria, 504
Charles, emperor of Austria, 909, 921
Charles, prince of Wales, 1183
Charles Albert, king of Piedmont-Sardinia,
624-26, 636
Charles I, king of England, 150, 151, 208,
210-11,211, 212, 309
in English Civil War, 212-18, 219, 220,
222, 230
execution of, 222, 223, 223, 243
Charles 11, king of England, 225, 226-27,
240, 302, 303, 309
execution of, 433
restoration of, 224-25, 225
Charles II, king of Spain, 205, 265, 279-80
Charles 111, king of Spain, 339
Charles IV, king of Spain, 500
Charles IX, king of France, 130, 132
Charles V, Holy Roman emperor (Charles I,
king of Spain), 3, 37, 42, 66, 76,
78-79, 107, 112, 115, 124, 146,
175-76, 175, 180, 232, 262-63
Catholic Reformation and, 116
Reformation and, 95, 99, 100-103, 106
Charles VI, Holy Roman emperor (Archduke
Charles of Austria), 279, 281, 392, 393
Charles VIII, king of France, 27, 74-75
Charles X, king of France (count of Artois),
450, 594, 595, 596
Charles XI, king of Sweden, 271
Charles XII, king of Sweden, 271, 276, 357
Charles XIII, king of Sweden, 505
Charles XIV John, king of Sweden (Jean Bap
tiste Bernadotte), 505