A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-42 Index
class consciousness, 559-61, 693, 763, 764
fascist opposition to, 1002
classicism, Italian, 241
Clausewitz, Karl von, 492, 548
Clemenceau, Georges, 740, 917, 918, 922,
956, 960, 961-63, 969
Clement V, pope, 86
Clement VII, antipope, 87
Clement VII, pope, 112, 113
Clement XI, pope, 260
Cleves-Jullich, 148
Clive, Robert, 399
Club of Democratic Women (Germany), 621
Club of Knitters (France), 455
Club of the Feuillants (France), 455
coal mining. 372, 375, 524, 526, 527, 528,
529,532, 749
Cobbett, William, 562, 608
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty (1860), 729
Coca-Cola, 1138, 1144
cocaine, 806
Cochin China, 729, 839, 851
Coercion Act (Great Britain; 1882), 700
Coercion Acts (Great Britain; 1794), 459
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 254-55, 258, 307
Cold War, 1098, 1105, 1107, 1137, 1138,
1146, 1147-60, 1178, 1190
United Nations and, 1112-15
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 582
Coligny, Gaspard de, 132
College de France, 83
Collegiants, 235
colonialism, 35-43, 169-70, 196-98,
396-401,414-19, 821
see also imperialism; specific empires
Colonial League (Germany), 829
Columbus, Christopher, 35-36, 40, 41, 79
Combat between Carnival and Lent
(Bruegel), 120, 120
Combination Act (Great Britain; 1721), 382,
Combination Acts, repeal of (Great Britain;
1824), 529, 561
Comenius (Jan Komensky), 302
commerce, see trade and commerce
Committee of Public Safety (Algeria), 1170
Committee of Public Safety (France), 466,
468-69, 470-71,481
common agricultural policy (CAP), 1229
common law, 6
Common Market, 1 107
Common Sense (Paine), 417
Communards, 733-34, 736
see also Paris Commune
communications revolution, 1143
communism, 565, 567-68, 628
fall of, 1107, 1177, 1188-1218, 1189
fascist and Nazi opposition to, 1002,
1012, 1021-22, 1023, 1023
in inter-war period, 979, 981-82, 981
in post-World War II Eastern Europe,
1019, 1105, 1132-33
in post-World War II Western Europe, 1 120
see also specific conntries
Communist Internationals, 953, 981, 1018
Communist League, 568
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), 568
Communist Party:
in Bulgaria, 1 132
in Czechoslovakia, 1132-33
in East Germany, 1200
in France, 981, 1018-19, 1041, 1120,
1128, 1137, 1179, 1190
in Germany, 958, 959, 986, 1021, 1085
in Great Britain, 982
in Hungary, 1132, 1196
in Indochina, 1 167
in Indonesia, 1 163
in Italy, 1007, 1 120, 1129, 1184, 1 190
in Poland, 1132, 1 191-92, 1 196-98
in Portugal, 1186
in Romania, 1067, 1 132
in Russia, 928
in Soviet Union, 951,952, 1036, 1206-9;
see also Communist Party; Soviet Union
in Spain, 1041, 1044-45, 1 186, 1 190
in Yugoslavia, 1084
Community and Society (Tonnies), 805
compass, 4-5, 31
Compromise (Ausgleich) of 1867 (Austria
Hungary), 680
computers, 1143
Comte, Auguste, 804
Comuneros, revolt of (1520), 175
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, 801
concentration/extermination camps, 1023,
1075, 1077, 1079, 1101-2, 1115
see also detention camps; Holocaust
Concerning the Revolutions of the Celestial
Spheres (Copernicus), 291
Concert of Europe, 434, 576, 612
conciliarism, 86, 88-90, 91
Concordat (Austria; 1855), 678
Concordat (France; 1801), 483-85, 4S4, 593
Concordat of Bologna (1 516), 107, 127
Concorde, I 143
Concorde, supersonic airplanes, 1 143
Conde, Louis de Bourbon, prince of, 130, 253
Condorcet, Marquis de, 470
condottieri, 50, 52, 74
Confederation of the Rhine, see Rhine, Con
federation of the