A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-44 Index

crime and social control (continued)

in Ireland, 975

in Italy, 384, 545, 658, 1006

in late nineteenth and early twentieth cen­

turies, 770

in Russia, 710, 718, 721-22, 723, 931

Crimean War, 653, 688-92, 689, 692, 694,

705,706, 708,717, 866

Crispi, Francesco, 659, 660

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 345

Croatia, Croats, 263, 265, 576, 623, 632, 633,

633, 675, 675, 676, 677, 679, 680,

681, 866, 922, 970, 1015, 1016, 1032

in civil wars in former Yugoslavia,

1209-12, 1211

in World Warll, 1062, 1075, 1078, 1079,


Yugoslav break-up and, 1209-12

see also Yugoslavia

Cromwell, Oliver, 219, 219, 222-24

Cromwell, Richard, 224

Cromwell, Thomas, 114

crop rotation, 360, 362, 363

Cross of Fire (Croix de feu, France), 1004,

1018, 1019

Crowd, The (Le Bon), 807

Crusades, 7-9, 90

Cuba, 35, 37, 587, 822, 841, 859, 919,

1174, 1237

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), 1105,

1 155-56, 1 158

cubist painting, 817

cuius regio, eius religio, 146

Culloden Moor, Battle of (1746), 392

cultural relativism, 1139


in eighteenth century, 327-29

late nineteenth and early twentieth cen­

tury ferment in, 782, 784, 798-817

in post-World War II era, 1136-40,

1143-44, 1144

in Reformations, 118-23

see also art

Curie, Marie, 756, 756

Curie, Pierre, 756, 756

Curzon, Lady, 838

Curzon, Lord George, 838, 838, 844, 852,


customary law, 6

Custoza, Battle of (1848), 626

Cyprus, 178, 825, 868, 1167, 1185

Czartoryska, Princess Sophia, 333

Czechoslovakia, 790, 993

ethnic conflicts in, 1190

fall of communism in, 1177, 1190, 1192,

1196, 1201-3, 1215

German invasion of (1938), 1049, 1051,

1052-53, 1055, 1075

inter-war politics in, 1015, 1016

in Little Entente, 969

Nazi pre-war relations with, 1030, 1031,


post-World War II economic conditions in,


post-World War I independence of, 969,


post-World War II settlement and, 1111,

1112, 1113, 1114, 1115

Soviet defense treaty with (1935), 1031

Soviet domination of, 1105, 1112, 1132,

1133, 1190, 1192, 1193

Soviet invasion of (1968), 1190, 1191,

1192, 1193

“velvet revolution” (1989) in, 1177, 1201-3

voting rights in, 979

women in, 979

World War I and, 922

in World War II, 1082, 1117

Czech Republic, 1203

Czechs, 675, 675, 676, 677, 866

in 1848 unrest, 613, 621, 624, 632, 642

nationalism of, 612, 677, 681, 866

national theater of, 345

Dachau concentration camp, 1023

see also concentration/extermination camps

Dadaism, 990, 990

Dahomey, 830, 855

Daily Mail (London), 1045

Daladier, Edouard, 1053

Dalmatia, 575, 774

Danish People’s Party, 1225

Danish-Prussian War of 1864, 664-66,

666, 679

Dante Alighieri, 53, 58, 66, 289, 289

Danton, Georges-Jacques, 452, 457, 457,

469, 470

Danzig (Gdansk), 24, 573

Danzig Corridor, see Polish Corridor

Darby, Abraham, 369

Darlan, Jean, 1089, 1090

Darwin, Charles, 687, 688, 780, 808, 809, 843

Darwinism, 804

Daumier, Honore, 535, 536, 595

David, Jacques-Louis, 466, 469, 487, 494

David (Michelangelo), 75

Davison, Emily, 797

Dawes, Charles G., 986

Dawes Plan, 986, 995

Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, A

(Solzhenitsyn), 1195

Day of Dupes (1630), 144

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