A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-46 Index
displaced persons (DPs), see migration
Disraeli, Benjamin, 694-96, 694, 698, 711,
820, 823
Dissenters, 226-28, 230, 326, 390, 412, 432,
326, 378, 381, 607, 609, 688, 693, 773
Divine Comedy (Dante), 58
divorce. Reformation and, 111-14, 121
Djilas, iMilovan, 1 1 54
Djindjic, Zoran, 1213
doctors, see medical care
Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak), I 136
dogfights (aerial), 896, 896
Dollfuss, Engelbert, 1002, 1017, 1032
Doll's House, A (Ibsen), 801
Donatello, 69
Don Giovanni (Mozart), 333
Donitz, Karl, 1 100
Donne, John, 311
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 203
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 706
dowries, 20, 61
Drake, Sir Francis, 190
Dreadnoughts, 872, 896-97
Dresden, Peace of (1745), 395
Dreyfus, Alfred, 738-40, 739, 1177
Dreyfus Affair (1894-1906), 738-40, 832
drugs, psychoactive, 806, 806
see also opium
Drumont, Edouard, 738, 739
Dual Alliance, 869, 871
Dual Mandate (British), 853, 854
Dubcek, Alexander, 1190, 1201
Dubliners (Joyce), 704
Duce, The (II), see Mussolini, Benito
Dudevant, Amandine Aurore-Lucie (George
Sand), 617
Dudley, Lord Robert, 183, 183
Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944), 1112
Dumouriez, Charles Francois, 459, 461,464
Dunkirk evacuation (1940), 1060, 1062
Diirer, Albrecht, 62, 83, 83
Durkheim, Emile, 806-7
Dutch East India Company, 169, 235
Dutch Empire, 204, 241, 387-90
independence in, 1106, 1161, 1163
in nineteenth and twentieth centuries, 822,
824, 835, 836, 846-47, 849, 1106,
1161, 1163
Dutch Reformed Church, 233, 236
Dutch West India Company, 240
Dynamism of a Cyclist (Boccioni), 817
Easter insurrection (Ireland; 1916), 912
Eastern Orthodox Church, 7-9
Eastern Wallachia, 591
East Friesland, 573
East India Company (France), see French
East India Company
East India Company (Great Britain), 196, 225,
388, 389, 399, 415-16, 418, 835
East Pakistan (Bangladesh), I 162
Ebert, Friedrich, 957, 958, 983, 986
Ecclesiastical Ordinances, 109, 110
economic cartels, 747-48
economic conditions:
in eighteenth century, 344-45, 360-75
feudalism, 11-13, 247, 476
in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 1 1-16,
21-23, 170-71, 206-7
growing world trade and, 166-71, 168
of imperialism, 846-47, 846, 854-57
in Italian Renaissance, 45-49, 53, 64, 71,
in nineteenth century, 605, 645-46, 744—45
in post-Communist states, 1214, 1215-16
price revolution and, 170-71
in twentieth century, 1219-20
after World War I, 971,977-82, 978, 981,
982, 983-87
after World War II, 1115, 11 19-27, 1120,
1190, 1191, 1195, 1197, 1221-22,
1224, 1226-31, 1238
see also financial institutions, merchant
bankers; Industrial Revolution; Indus
trial Revolution, Second; liberal
economic theory; trade and commerce;
specific countries
Economic Consequences of the Peace (Keynes),
economic theories, in eighteenth century,
Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, The (Bernini), 123,
Eden, Sir Anthony, I 166
Edgehill, Battle of (1642), 217
Edict of Nantes (1598), 138, 139
revocation of (1685), 228-29, 259
Edict of Restitution (1629), 152
Edict of Toleration (Austria; 1781), 340
Edict of Worms (1521), 95, 101
Edison, Thomas, 746, 755
in Austria, 678
in British Empire, 838
in Denmark, 775
Enlightenment reforms of, 337
in France, 495, 542-43, 639, 727, 736,
774-75, 1124
in Germany, 308, 774, 775
in Great Britain, 353, 542, 544, 546, 749,
772-73, 775-76, 776
in Italian Renaissance, 53, 59